Russian Historian

1. A. D. Lublinskaya (1902)

Russian Historian

Alexandra Dmitrievna Lublinskaya was a Russian scholar specialising in the history of seventeenth-century France among other things. Her French Absolutism originally published in Russian in 1965 and translated into English...

2. Mark Solonin (1958)

Russian Historian

Mark Solonin is a Russian historian of World War II. Solonin's first two books focus on the opening weeks of The Great Patriotic War with the goal of finding a...

3. Vasily Tatishchev (1686)

Russian Historian

Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev was a prominent Russian statesman and ethnographer best remembered as the author of the first full-scale Russian history. Throughout this work he advocates his favourite idea...

4. Aleksei Musin-Pushkin (1744)

Russian Historian

Aleksei Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin count since 1797 statesman historian and art collector. Musin-Pushkin is credited with discovering in Yaroslavl the manuscript The Tale of Igor's Campaign.

5. Richard Sakwa (1953)

Russian Historian

Richard Sakwa is an expert in the field of Russian and Eastern European communist and post-communist politics. Sakwa is Professor of Russian and European politics at the University of Kent.

6. Georgy Chistyakov (1953)

Russian Historian

George Chistyakov was a Russian Orthodox priest and historian. George Chistyakov is considered as a disciple and follower of Alexander Men and served as a priest in the Church of...

7. Gennady Kostyrchenko (Unknow)

Russian Historian

Gennady Vasilyevich Kostyrchenko is a Russian historian in Soviet politics known for his research of Soviet anti-Semitism.

8. Vladimir Guerrier (1837)

Russian Historian

Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier was a Russian historian professor of history at Moscow State University from 1868 to 1904.

9. Nikolay Kapterev (1847)

Russian Historian

Kapterev Nikolai Fyodorovich was a church historian professor at the Church Academy and corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. He is especially known for his publications refuting the...

10. Alexander Polovtsov (1832)

Russian Historian

Alexander Alexandrovich Polovtsov was a Russian statesman historian and Maecenas the founder of the Russian Historian Society. Alexander was born to a medium noble family. His father had his family...

11. Elena Osokina (Unknow)

Russian Historian

Elena Aleksandrovna Osokina is a Russian historian.

12. Andrey Zubov (Unknow)

Russian Historian

Andrei Borisovich Zubov is a Russian historian and political scientist Doctor of History and a former Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

13. Dmitry Yurasov (1964)

Russian Historian

Dmitry G. Yurasov is a Russian historian and human rights defender. Starting from age sixteen he has been gathering information about victims of Soviet political repressions those who were imprisoned...

14. Mikhail Suprun (1955)

Russian Historian

Mikhail Suprun Михаил Николаевич Супрун is a Russian historian and professor of the Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. In 2009 he was arrested in connection with a...

15. Yuri Felshtinsky (1956)

Russian Historian

Yuri Felshtinsky is a Russian historian living in the United States. Felshtinsky has authored several books on modern Russian and early Soviet history including Blowing up Russia and The Age...

16. Oleg Ken (1960)

Russian Historian

Oleg Nikolaevich Ken was a Russian historian who worked in Saint Petersburg at Herzen University and European University at Saint Petersburg and specialized in the history of the Soviet Union...

17. Georg Myasnikov (1926)

Russian Historian

Georg Vasilievich Myasnikov was a Soviet CPSU state and public figure historian local history specialist. He was 2-nd secretary of the Penza Oblast committee of CPSU secretary of the Penza...

18. Mikhail Pokrovsky (1868)

Russian Historian

Mikhail Nikolayevich Pokrovsky was a Bolshevik Russian historian. He was born and died in Moscow.

19. Alexander Soloviev (historian) (1890)

Russian Historian

Alexander Vasilievich Soloviev was a historian of Serbia and Serbian law. He published research on the Bogumils Serbian heraldry philately and archeology and translations from Russian and French. He...

20. Yuri Mikhailovich Steklov (1873)

Russian Historian

Yuri Mikhailovich Steklov was a Russian revolutionary journalist and historian. Steklov joined the Bolshevik Party in 1903 was editor of Izvestia of the Petrograd Soviet and was a member of...

21. Vladimir Morozan (1957)

Russian Historian

Vladimir Morozan is a Russian historianru:Файл:Копия DSC01280. JPG

22. Evgeny Pchelov (1971)

Russian Historian

Eugeny Vladimirovich Pchelov is a Russian specialist in history heraldry and genealogy. He has published several monographs on the history such as Rurikides. History of dynasty Romanov. History of...

23. Sergey Solovyov (Unknow)

Russian Historian

Sergey Mikhaylovich Solovyov was one of the greatest Russian historians whose influence on the next generation of Russian historians was paramount. His son Vladimir Solovyov was one of the...

24. Nikolai Iosifovich Konrad (1891)

Russian Historian

Nikolai Iosifovich Konrad was a Russian philologist and historian described in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia as the founder of the Soviet school of Japanese scholars.

25. Ivan Zabelin (1820)

Russian Historian

Ivan Yegorovich Zabelin was a Russian historian and archaeologist with a Slavophile bent who helped establish the National History Museum on Red Square and presided over this institution until 1906....

26. Timofey Granovsky (1813)

Russian Historian

Timofey Nikolayevich Granovsky was a founder of mediaeval studies in the Russian Empire. Granovsky was born in Oryol Russia. He studied at the universities of Moscow and Berlin where he...

27. Vasily Zhukov (1947)

Russian Historian

Vasily Ivanovich Zhukov is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and has a Ph. D. in history. Professor Zhukov is the rector of the Russian State Social University.

28. Alexander Vladimirovich Bykov (1962)

Russian Historian

Alexander Vladimirovich Bykov is a Russian historian and ethnographer one of the leading Russian specialists in numismatics. Publisher founder of the first Russian private museum of political history the Museum...

29. Mikhail Meltyukhov (1966)

Russian Historian

Mikhail Ivanovich Meltyukhov born 14 March 1966) is a Russian military historian. Currently he is working at the Russian Institute of Documents and Historical Records Research.

30. Anatoly Moskvin (1966)

Russian Historian

Anatoly Moskvin is a Russian historian and cemetery explorer. Moskin is well known in academic circles and has published many books and other academic works. On 8 November 2011 Russian...

31. Victor Solkin (1977)

Russian Historian

Victor Solkin is a famous Russian historian, who was born on January 7, 1977 in Russia. Victor Victorovich Solkin (Russian: Ви́ктор Ви́кторович Со́лкин ; born January 7, 1977, Moscow) is...

32. Nikita Petrov (1957)

Russian Historian

Nikita Petrov is a famous Russian historian, who was born on January 31, 1957 in Ukraine. Nikita Vasilyevich Petrov (Russian: Ники́та Васи́льевич Петро́в , born 31 January 1957, Kiev) is...

33. Yevgeny Ponasenkov (1982)

Russian Historian

Yevgeny Ponasenkov is a famous Russian historian, who was born on March 13, 1982 in Russia. According to Astrologers, Yevgeny Ponasenkov's zodiac sign is Pisces.
The views of Ponasenkov on the...

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