American Rock Climber

1. Alex Puccio (1989)

American Rock Climber

Recognized as one of the world's best climbers, she became a world cup winner. She has won over nine national championships. She has been on the cover of Outside Magazine...

2. Todd Skinner (1958)

American Rock Climber

American free climber who was the first to ascend many routes around the world.

3. Daniel Woods (1989)

American Rock Climber

Professional rock climber known for his success in bouldering, which has taken him to countries like Switzerland and South Africa.

4. Chris Sharma (1981)

American Rock Climber

Rock climber known for consistently climbing high-grade courses, including several 5.15 (9a+) routes. His success at high levels has led to him being called, at times, the best in the...

5. Sasha DiGiulian (1992)

American Rock Climber

Rock climber notable for becoming the first American woman to climb a grade 9a, 5.14d route, doing so in 2012. She is also the first woman ever to climb Magic...

6. Ashima Shiraishi (2001)

American Rock Climber

Rock climbing phenom who has been profiled by publications like Outside Magazine and The New York Times. She is considered one of the brightest young stars ever to enter the...

7. Tommy Caldwell (1978)

American Rock Climber

Famous for his rock climbing feats, he ascended the West Buttress, Dihedral Wall, Dawn Wall, and Triple Crown of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park (California) and also tackled Colorado's...

8. Alex Honnold (1985)

American Rock Climber

Notable as the first solo free climber of Yosemite National Park's Triple Crown, he is also famous for setting a speed record for his climb of Yosemite's Nose of El...

9. Lynn Hill (1961)

American Rock Climber

Legendary competitive rock climber of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Her claim to fame was making the first free ascent of The Nose on Yosemite Valley's El Capitan.

10. John Sherman (climber) (Unknow)

American Rock Climber

John Sherman nicknamed Verm is an American climber and a pioneering boulderer. He is also a writer and photographer. He is the originator of the V-scale for grading boulder problems....

11. Jesse Guthrie (1958)

American Rock Climber

Jesse Guthrie is an American rock climber and author. He is one of the pioneers of sport climbing in the USA. In 1986 he climbed the first 5. 13 routes...

12. Paul Robinson (climber) (1987)

American Rock Climber

Paul David Robinson is an American professional rock climber who specializes in bouldering. He has established and repeated several bouldering problems at the V15 difficulty rating in such areas as...

13. Hugh Herr (1966)

American Rock Climber

Hugh Herr is an American rock climber engineer and biophysicist.

14. Michael Reardon (climber) (1965)

American Rock Climber

Michael Reardon was an American professional free solo climber filmmaker motivational speaker and writer. Reardon at age 42 perished after being swept to sea by a rogue wave shortly after...

15. John Bachar (1957)

American Rock Climber

John Bachar was an American rock climber noted for his skill at free soloing. A fitness fanatic he was the creator of the climbing training device known as the Bachar...

16. Ron Kauk (Unknow)

American Rock Climber

Ron Kauk is an American rock climber and Yosemite Camp 4 regular. Kauk began spending summers in Yosemite in 1974. In 1975 he made the first free ascent of the...

17. Beth Rodden (1980)

American Rock Climber

Beth Rodden is an American rock climber. She was the youngest woman to climb 5. 14a and is one of the only women in the world to have redpointed a...

18. Ammon McNeely (1970)

American Rock Climber

Ammon McNeely is an American rock climber who holds the most Speed Climbing World Records and First One Day Ascents on El Capitan in Yosemite.

19. Jim Holloway (climber) (Unknow)

American Rock Climber

Jim Holloway an American was one of the first of a new generation of boulderers for whom the sport was a lifestyle rather than a recreation. He began bouldering in...

20. Dave Graham (climber) (1981)

American Rock Climber

David Ethan Graham is a professional rock climber. Professing to enjoy bouldering the most he is one of the elite sport climbers and boulderers of his generation. Graham repeats classic...

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