Canadian Astronomer

1. David Charbonneau (1974)

Canadian Astronomer

David Charbonneau is a Professor of Astronomy at Harvard University. His research focuses on the development of novel techniques for the detection and characterization of planets orbiting nearby Sun-like stars....

2. Barth Netterfield (1968)

Canadian Astronomer

Calvin Barth Netterfield known as Barth Netterfield is a Canadian astrophysicist and a Professor in the Department of Astronomy and the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto. He...

3. Ian Shelton (1957)

Canadian Astronomer

Ian Keith Shelton is a Canadian astronomer who discovered SN 1987A the first modern supernova close and bright enough to be visible to the naked eye. He received his B....

4. Richard Huziak (1957)

Canadian Astronomer

Richard Huziak is a Canadian amateur astronomer for whom the International Astronomical Union named main-belt asteroid 4143 Huziak. A former president of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Saskatoon Centre...

5. Dan Milisavljevic (1980)

Canadian Astronomer

Dan Milisavljevic is a Canadian astronomer and postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Milisavljevic received his undergraduate education at McMaster University where he was enrolled in the renowned...

6. Sara Seager (1971)

Canadian Astronomer

Sara Seager is a Canadian-American astronomer and planetary scientist. She is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and known for her work on extrasolar planets and their atmospheres....

7. Brett J. Gladman (1966)

Canadian Astronomer

Brett J. Gladman is a Canadian astronomer and a full professor at the University of British Columbia's Department of Physics and Astronomy in Vancouver British Columbia. He holds the Canada...

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