Romanian Poet

1. Ioan Baba (1951)

Romanian Poet

Ioan Baba is an ethnic Romanian Serbian poet journalist publicist and translator. In 2003 he became vice president of the Societății Române de Etnografie și Folclor in Voivodina.

2. Magda Cârneci (1955)

Romanian Poet

Magda Cârneci is a poet essayist and art historian born in Romania. She took a Ph. D. in art history at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris...

3. Florenţa Albu (1934)

Romanian Poet

ţa Albu was a Romanian poet.

4. Iancu Văcărescu (1792)

Romanian Poet

Iancu Văcărescu was a Romanian Wallachian boyar and poet member of the Văcărescu family.

5. Alecu Văcărescu (1769)

Romanian Poet

Alecu Văcărescu was a Romanian Wallachian boyar and poet of the Văcărescu family that gave Romanian literature its first poets. His son Iancu Văcărescu was also a poet.

6. Al. T. Stamatiad (1885)

Romanian Poet

Al. T. Stamatiad was a Romanian Symbolist poet short story writer and dramatist. A late arrival on the local Symbolist scene he was primarily active as a literary promoter and...

7. Victor Eftimiu (1889)

Romanian Poet

Victor Eftimiu was a Romanian poet playwright and a contributor to Sburătorul a Romanian literary magazine. His works have been performed in the State Jewish Theater of Romania. Eftimiu emigrated...

8. Eliezer Steinbarg (1880)

Romanian Poet

Eliezer Steinbarg was a Romanian teacher and Yiddish poetic fabulist. He was born in Lipcani Bessarabia and became a teacher in Bessarabia and Volhynia. In 1902 he became a Yiddish...

9. Traian T. Coșovei (1954)

Romanian Poet

Traian T. Coșovei was a Romanian poet. He was a member of the Writers' Union of Romania. The son of writer Traian Coșovei and Maria Urdăreanu he graduated from the...

10. Maria Tacu (1949)

Romanian Poet

Tacu Maria was a Romanian poet and prose writer. She graduated from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași with a degree in Literature. She also published under the pen...

11. Iulius Iancu (1920)

Romanian Poet

Dr. Iulius Iancu is a Jewish poet and writer who writes in Romanian.

12. Ioan Alexandru (1941)

Romanian Poet

Ioan Alexandru was a Romanian poet essayist and politician. After the Romanian Revolution of 1989 Ioan Alexandru became a founding member and vice-president of the PNŢCD.

13. Dimitrie Anghel (1872)

Romanian Poet

Dimitrie Anghel was a Romanian poet. His first poem was published in Contemporanul. His debut editorial Traduceri din Paul Verlaine was published in 1903 and in 1905 he published a...

14. Răzvan Țupa (1975)

Romanian Poet

Răzvan Ţupa is a Romanian poet. His first book Fetis won the 2002 Mihai Eminescu First Book in Poetry National Award. Ţupa was born in Brăila and raised in Bucharest....

15. Alexandru Andriţoiu (1929)

Romanian Poet

Alexandru Andriţoiu was a Romanian poet. Amongst his notable works are the poem Ceausescu - Omul a romantic poem which is dedicated to Nicolae Ceauşescu the last communist leader of...

16. Cristian Popescu (Unknow)

Romanian Poet

Cristian Popescu was one of the most important Romanian poets of the 1990s.

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