French Scientist

1. Étienne-Émile Baulieu (1926)

French Scientist

Étienne-Émile Baulieu is a French biochemist and endocrinologist who is best known for his research in the field of st*id hormones and their role in reproduction and aging.

2. Claude Combes (1935)

French Scientist

Claude Combes is a French biologist and parasitologist. He is a professor of animal biology and director of the Centre de Biologie et Écologie Tropicale et Méditerranéenne at the Université...

3. Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton (1716)

French Scientist

Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton was a French naturalist and contributor to the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences des arts et des métiers.

4. Joël de Rosnay (Unknow)

French Scientist

Joël de Rosnay Ph. D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a Mauritian-born French futurist science writer and molecular biologist. Former research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

5. Philippe-Isidore Picot de Lapeyrouse (1744)

French Scientist

Philippe-Isidore Picot de Lapeyrouse or La Peirouse Baron de Lapeyrouse. was a French naturalist. In 1782 he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences....

6. Pierre Viala (1859)

French Scientist

Pierre Viala was a French scientist. In 1901-1910 he and Victor Vermorel published Ampélographie. Traité général de viticulture a seven-volume ampelography of 3 200 pages describing 5 200 grape varieties.

7. André-Jean-François-Marie Brochant de Villiers (1772)

French Scientist

André-Jean-François-Marie Brochant de Villiers was a French mineralogist and geologist. He was born at the Château de Villiers near Mantes-la-Ville. After studying at the École Polytechnique Paris he was in...

8. François-Vincent Raspail (1794)

French Scientist

çois-Vincent Raspail L. L. D. M. D. was a French chemist naturalist physician physiologist attorney and socialist politician.

9. Jacques Berlioz (1891)

French Scientist

Jacques Berlioz was a French zoologist and ornithologist specializing in hummingbirds. He was a grand-nephew of composer Hector Berlioz. His earlier studies were in the fields of medicine and pharmaceutical...

10. Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet (1761)

French Scientist

Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet French naturalist was born at Montpellier. His father François Broussonet was a physician and professor of medicine at famous Université de Montpellier. His brother Victor studied...

11. Alain Bombard (1924)

French Scientist

Alain Bombard was a French biologist physician and politician famous for sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat. Alain Bombard was born in Paris.

12. Eugène Louis Melchior Patrin (Unknow)

French Scientist

Eugène Louis Melchior Patrin was a mineralogist and naturalist from France.

13. Louis Eugène Robert (Unknow)

French Scientist

Louis Eugène Robert was a French naturalist geologist and entomologist. Louis Eugène Robert wrote numerous works on forest insects. He was a friend of Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville. He made scientific...

14. Didier Sornette (1957)

French Scientist

Didier Sornette is Professor on the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. He is also a professor of the Swiss Finance Institute a professor associated...

15. Auguste Le Prévost (1787)

French Scientist

Auguste Le Prévost was a French geologist philologist archaeologist and historian. While studying classics and law Le Prevost developed a passion for history and archeology. To further it he learned...

16. Mathurin Jacques Brisson (1723)

French Scientist

Mathurin Jacques Brisson was a French zoologist and natural philosopher. Brisson was born at Fontenay-le-Comte. The earlier part of his life was spent in the pursuit of natural history his...

17. Émile Meyerson (1859)

French Scientist

Émile Meyerson was a Polish-born French epistemologist chemist and philosopher of science. Meyerson was born in Lublin Poland. He died in his sleep of a heart attack at the age...

18. André Leroi-Gourhan (1911)

French Scientist

André Leroi-Gourhan was a French archaeologist paleontologist paleoanthropologist and anthropologist with an interest in technology and aesthetics and a penchant for philosophical reflection.

19. Pierre Jean George Cabanis (1757)

French Scientist

Pierre Jean George Cabanis was a French physiologist and materialist philosopher. Cabanis was born at Cosnac the son of Jean Baptiste Cabanis a lawyer and agronomist. At the age of...

20. Jean-Baptiste Robinet (Unknow)

French Scientist

Jean-Baptiste Robinet also known as Jean-Baptiste-René Robinet was a French naturalist known for his five-volume work De la nature. He was also involved in the sequel publications to the Encyclopédie...

21. Jacques Rohault (Unknow)

French Scientist

Jacques Rohault was a French philosopher physicist and mathematician and a follower of Cartesianism.

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