Russian Academic

1. Georgiy Starostin (1976)

Russian Academic

Georgiy Sergeevich George Starostin is a Russian linguistics researcher at the Center of Comparative Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities and a participant at the Santa Fe...

2. Vladimir Filippov (politician) (1951)

Russian Academic

Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov is the Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Minister of Education of the Russian Federation in 1998–2004 Doctor in physical and mathematical sciences professor and...

3. Pavel Polian (1952)

Russian Academic

Pavel Markovich Polian pseudonym: Nerler is a Russian geographer historian and sociologist Doctor of Geographical Sciences with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He authored over...

4. Galina Yershova (1955)

Russian Academic

Galina Gavrilovna Yershova or Ershova is a prominent Russian academic historian linguist and epigrapher who specialises in the study of the ancient civilisations cultures and languages of the New World....

5. Rinad Minvaleyev (1965)

Russian Academic

Rinad Sultanovich Minvaleyev is a Russian physiologist orientalist and researcher of the traditional health cаre systems candidate of biological sciences associate professor at the Chair of Physical Education and Sports...

6. Said Gafurov (1967)

Russian Academic

Gafurov Said Zakirovich —a Russian economist orientalist and administrator. A Gorky Tatar by origin gradiated in 1992 from the College of Asian and African studies at the Moscow State University...

7. Pyotr Lavrov (1823)

Russian Academic

Pyotr Lavrovich Lavrov ; 1823 – January 25 1900) was a prominent Russian theorist of narodism philosopher publicist and sociologist. He entered a military academy and graduated in 1842 as...

8. Nikolay Danilevsky (1822)

Russian Academic

Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky was a Russian naturalist economist ethnologist philosopher historian and ideologue of the pan-Slavism and Slavophile movement who expounded a view of world history as circular.

9. Victor Ovcharenko (1943)

Russian Academic

Victor Ovcharenko was a Russian philosopher sociologist historian and psychologist. He also was a PhD. professor academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences academician of the Academy for Humanities...

10. Boris Parygin (1930)

Russian Academic

Boris Dmitrievitch Parygin was a Soviet and Russian philosopher sociologist and one of the founders of social psychology and member of a wide range of international academies. Parygin was...

11. Gennady Osipov (1929)

Russian Academic

Gennady Vasilievich Osipov – a Russian scientist sociologist and philosopher Ph. D. Professor full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences /RAS/ since 1991; Director of the Institute of...

12. Zaid Orudzhev (1932)

Russian Academic

Zaid Melikovich Orudzhev is an Azerbaijani-born Russian academic specialising in the history of philosophy dialectical logic and sociological methodology. He is a doctor of philosophy and currently a professor at...

13. Fyodor Shcherbatskoy (1866)

Russian Academic

Ippolitovich Shcherbatskoy or Stcherbatsky often referred to in the literature as F. Th. Stcherbatsky was a Russian Indologist who in large part was responsible for laying the foundations in...

14. Konstantin Kavelin (1818)

Russian Academic

Konstantin Dmitrievich Kavelin was a Russian historian jurist and sociologist sometimes called the chief architect of early Russian liberalism. Born in Saint Petersburg into an old noble family Kavelin...

15. Maksud Sadikov (1963)

Russian Academic

Sadikov Maksud Ibnugadzharovich was a Professor in International Relations and Islamic Economics a practicing Sufi follower of Shaykh Said Afandi al-Chirkawi.

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