American Psychologist

1. Edward Thorndike (1874)

American Psychologist

Psychologist who proposed influential theories on learning and human behavior, leading the way for modern educational psychology. He was also the president of the American Psychological Association and a member...

2. Lewis Terman (1877)

American Psychologist

Psychologist who developed the first modern tests to measure individuals' intelligence quotient - their IQ. He also did extensive research on children with high IQs in a longitudinal study known...

3. Bruno Bettelheim (1903)

American Psychologist

Child psychologist and writer of the award-winning novel "The Uses of Enchantment", which studied the emotional importance of fairy tales for children. He was known for his work on Freud...

4. Abraham Maslow (1908)

American Psychologist

Psychologist who designed a pyramid of basic human needs known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This pyramid is divided into five categories: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self actualization.

5. Rollo May (1909)

American Psychologist

Known for his important 1969 psychological book Love and Will, he also penned such existential and humanistic-themed works as The Courage to Create and The Meaning of Anxiety. In 1971,...

6. Albert Ellis (1913)

American Psychologist

Psychologist who came up with Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in 1955 to help those struggling to live fulfilled lives. For decades he was the president of the New York City-based...

7. Jerome Bruner (1915)

American Psychologist

American psychologist who contributed to human cognitive psychology and cognitive learning in educational psychology. He also contributed to the general philosophy of education.

8. Lloyd Morrisett (1929)

American Psychologist

Known for his early work in the field of cognitive psychology, this educational researcher and philanthropist founded the Sesame Organization, a non-profit venture responsible for creating the Sesame Street and...

9. Philip Zimbardo (1933)

American Psychologist

Psychologist and Stanford University professor who gained fame in the science community for his Stanford prison experiment. This experiment proved that abusive behavior in prison was not caused by inherent...

10. Carol Gilligan (1936)

American Psychologist

Author, professor, and psychologist who is most famous for her 1982 feminist work, In a Different Voice. She was the founder of the Difference Feminism movement.

11. Carl Rogers (1902)

American Psychologist

This psychologist's humanistic approach and the concept of the fully-functioning person became influential in 20th-century psychology.

12. Robert Sternberg (1949)

American Psychologist

Known for his triangular theory of love and his triarchic theory of intelligence, this one-time President of the American Psychological Association contributed greatly to the fields of psychology and psychometrics....

13. Edwin Boring (1886)

American Psychologist

Influential psychologist and one of the first to survey the social science historically.

14. Leda Cosmides (1957)

American Psychologist

Leda Cosmides is an American psychologist who together with anthropologist husband John Tooby helped develop the field of evolutionary psychology. Cosmides originally studied biology at Radcliffe College/Harvard University receiving her...

15. Ruth Winifred Howard (1900)

American Psychologist

Ruth Winifred Howard Beckham was the first African-American woman to receive a doctorate degree in psychology. She was active in many psychology organizations and received instruction from Florence Goodenough.

16. Jesse Bering (1975)

American Psychologist

Jesse Michael Bering Ph. D. is a frequent contributor to Scientific American Slate and Das Magazin. His work has also appeared in New York Magazine The Guardian and The...

17. Magda B. Arnold (Unknow)

American Psychologist

Magda B. Arnold was an American psychologist; first contemporary theorist to develop appraisal theory of emotions which moved the direction of emotion theory away from feeling theories and behaviorist theories...

18. Betty Eisner (1915)

American Psychologist

Betty Grover Eisner was an American psychologist known for pioneering the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs as adjuncts to psychotherapy.

19. Anna Jean Ayres (Unknow)

American Psychologist

Anna Jean Ayres — known as A. Jean Ayres — was an occupational therapist and educational psychologist known for her work in the area of sensory integration dysfunction a term...

20. Roger Shepard (1929)

American Psychologist

Roger Newland Shepard is a cognitive scientist and author of the Universal Law of Generalization. He is considered a father of research on spatial relations. Shepard obtained his Ph. D....

21. Peter Salovey (1958)

American Psychologist

Peter Salovey is an American social psychologist and President of Yale University. He previously served as Yale's Provost Dean of Graduate Studies and Dean of Yale College. Salovey is one...

22. Lloyd deMause (1931)

American Psychologist

Lloyd deMause pronounced de-Moss is an American social thinker known for his work in the field of psychohistory. He did graduate work in political science at Columbia University and later...

23. Gordon H. Bower (1932)

American Psychologist

Gordon H. Bower is a cognitive psychologist studying human memory language comprehension emotion and behavior modification. He received his Ph. D. in learning theory from Yale University in 1959. He...

24. Allan R. Wagner (1934)

American Psychologist

Allan R. Wagner is an American experimental psychologist and learning theorist whose work has focused upon the basic determinants of associative learning and habituation.

25. Ward Edwards (1930)

American Psychologist

Edwards was an American psychologist prominent for work on decision theory and on the formulation and revision of beliefs.

26. John Beebe (1939)

American Psychologist

John Beebe is a Jungian analyst in practice in San Francisco. He received degrees from Harvard College and the University of Chicago medical school. He is a past President of...

27. David Seabury (1885)

American Psychologist

David Seabury was an American psychologist author and lecturer. While practicing as a consulting psychologist in New York City he published fifteen books. He founded the Centralist School of Psychology...

28. Albert Mehrabian (1939)

American Psychologist

Albert Mehrabian currently Professor Emeritus of Psychology UCLA has become known best by his publications on the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages. His findings on inconsistent messages of...

29. C. Randy Gallistel (1941)

American Psychologist

Charles Ransom Gallistel is a Professor of Psychology at Rutgers University. He is an expert in the cognitive processes of learning and memory using animal models to carry out research...

30. Richard E. Nisbett (1941)

American Psychologist

Richard E. Nisbett is Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished Professor of social psychology and co-director of the Culture and Cognition program at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Nisbett's research...

31. Amalia Mesa-Bains (1943)

American Psychologist

Amalia Mesa-Bains born in Santa Clara California is a psychologist curator author and artist. She received a B. A. in painting from San Jose State University before earning a M....

32. Sandra Bem (1944)

American Psychologist

Sandra Ruth Lipsitz Bem is an American psychologist known for her works in androgyny and gender studies. She was born June 22 1944 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to Peter and Lillian...

33. Louis Cozolino (1953)

American Psychologist

Louis John Cozolino is a psychologist and professor of psychology at the Pepperdine University. He holds degrees in philosophy and theology from Harvard University and State University of New York...

34. Gary A. Klein (Unknow)

American Psychologist

Gary Klein is a research psychologist famous for pioneering in the field of naturalistic decision making. By studying experts such as firefighters in their natural environment he discovered that laboratory...

35. Susan Weinschenk (1953)

American Psychologist

Susan Weinschenk is a behavioral psychologist who has been working in the field of design and user experience since 1985. She has published five books on user experience in computer...

36. Steven K. Baum (1953)

American Psychologist

Steven K. Baum PhD is a genocide scholar gerontologist with an MA in psychopharmacology from New Mexico State University. He has written several books including The Psychology of Genocide Antisemitism...

37. Tara Brach (1953)

American Psychologist

Tara Brach is an American psychologist and is well informed about Buddhist meditation. She set up an Insight Meditation Community in Washington. It is a spiritual community that teaches and...

38. David Buss (1953)

American Psychologist

David M. Buss is a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin known for his evolutionary psychology research on human sex differences in mate selection.

39. Lester Lefton (1946)

American Psychologist

Lester A. Lefton is an American academic and higher education administrator. He was the President of Kent State University. He has 35 years of experience in higher education having served...

40. Gordon Legge (1948)

American Psychologist

Gordon E. Legge is currently the Distinguished McKnight University Professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. Legge is the director of the Minnesota Laboratory...

41. Thomas Gilovich (Unknow)

American Psychologist

Thomas D. Gilovich is a professor of psychology at Cornell University who has researched decision making and behavioral economics and has written popular books on said subjects. He has collaborated...

42. Marc Kern (1948)

American Psychologist

Swiss ice hockey goaltender see Marc Kern. Dr. Marc Kern is a Los Angeles based psychologist whose practice is focused on substance abuse and addiction treatment. In 2013 he and...

43. Dan P. McAdams (1954)

American Psychologist

Dan P. McAdams is a professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University. He was raised in Gary Indiana where he attended nearby Valparaiso University. In 1979...

44. Amy Halberstadt (1954)

American Psychologist

Amy Gene Halberstadt is an American psychologist specializing in the social development of emotion. She is currently Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh...

45. Richard N. Aslin (1949)

American Psychologist

Richard N. Aslin is an American psychologist. He is William R. Kenan Professor of Brain & Cognitive Sciences and Center for Visual Sciences at the University of Rochester. He is...

46. Grover C. Gilmore (1950)

American Psychologist

uses see Grover Gilmore. Grover C. Gilmore is an American psychologist and currently Dean of the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. He is known...

47. Judith S. Beck (1954)

American Psychologist

Judith S. Beck Ph. D. is an American psychologist who is best known for her work in cognitive therapy. Her father is Aaron Beck M. D. the founder of...

48. Andrew N. Meltzoff (1950)

American Psychologist

Andrew N. Meltzoff is an American psychologist and an internationally recognized expert on infant and child development. His discoveries about infant imitation greatly advanced the scientific understanding of early cognition...

49. Richard Heimberg (1950)

American Psychologist

Richard Heimberg is a researcher psychotherapist and current professor at Temple University.

50. David Matsumoto (1959)

American Psychologist

David Matsumoto is an author psychologist and judoka. His areas of expertise include culture emotion facial expressions nonverbal behavior and microexpressions.

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