Canadian Philosopher

1. Jan Zwicky (1955)

Canadian Philosopher

Jan Zwicky is a Canadian philosopher poet essayist and musician. She received her B. A. from the University of Calgary and earned her PhD at the University of Toronto in...

2. Brian Massumi (1956)

Canadian Philosopher

Brian Massumi is a Canadian social theorist writer and philosopher. Massumi's research spans the fields of art architecture political theory cultural studies and philosophy. He is widely known for his...

3. Andrew David Irvine (1958)

Canadian Philosopher

Andrew David Irvine is a Canadian academic who teaches at the University of British Columbia. He holds a PhD in philosophy from Sydney University and is Head of Economics Philosophy...

4. Niall Shanks (1959)

Canadian Philosopher

Niall Shanks was a native of Cheshire England was educated at Rossall School and later at the University of Leeds and the University of Liverpool. Shanks left England for Canada...

5. Lou Marinoff (1951)

Canadian Philosopher

Louis Joshua Marinoff is a philosopher author and philosophical practitioner. A dual Canadian-US citizen he is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at The City College of...

6. Michael Neumann (1970)

Canadian Philosopher

Michael Neumann is a professor of philosophy at Trent University in Ontario Canada. He is the author of What's Left? Radical Politics and the Radical Psyche The Rule of Law:...

7. Shannon Bell (1955)

Canadian Philosopher

Shannon Bell is a performance philosopher who lives and writes philosophy-in-action experimental philosophy. Her six books include Reading Writing and Rewriting the Prostitute Body * Carnival Bad Attitude/s on Trial...

8. Leonard Peikoff (1933)

Canadian Philosopher

Leonard S. Peikoff is a Canadian-American philosopher. A former professor of philosophy he was designated by the philosopher Ayn Rand as heir to her estate. He is an author a...

9. Ian Hacking (1936)

Canadian Philosopher

Ian Hacking CC FRSC FBA is a Canadian philosopher specializing in the philosophy of science.

10. Brendan Myers (1974)

Canadian Philosopher

Brendan Cathbad Myers is a philosopher and author known for his contributions in environmental philosophy Druidry and Neo-Druidism mythology and applied virtue ethics.

11. David Gauthier (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

David Gauthier is a Canadian-American philosopher best known for his neo-Hobbesian social contract theory of morality as laid out in his book Morals by Agreement.

12. Gerald Cohen (1941)

Canadian Philosopher

Gerald Allan Jerry Cohen was a Marxist political philosopher who held the positions of Quain Professor of Jurisprudence University College London and Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory All...

13. Jean-Paul Audet (1918)

Canadian Philosopher

Jean-Paul Audet OC FRSC was a French Canadian academic and philosopher. He was a professor and former head of the Université de Montréal's Department of Philosophy. In 1988 he was...

14. John Russon (1960)

Canadian Philosopher

John Russon is a Canadian philosopher working primarily in the tradition of Continental Philosophy. In 2006 he was named Presidential Distinguished Professor at the University of Guelph and in 2011...

15. Louis-Marie Régis (1903)

Canadian Philosopher

Louis-Marie Régis CC was a Canadian philosopher theologian scholar and member of the Dominican Order. He was director of the Institute for Medieval Studies from 1943 until 1952. In 1971...

16. Andrew Feenberg (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Andrew Feenberg holds the Canada Research Chair in the Philosophy of Technology in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. His main interests are philosophy of technology...

17. David Sztybel (1967)

Canadian Philosopher

David Sztybel is a Canadian philosopher specializing in animal ethics.

18. T. A. Goudge (1910)

Canadian Philosopher

Thomas Anderson Goudge M. A. Ph. D FRSC was a Canadian university professor. He was born in Halifax Nova Scotia son of Thomas Norman and Effie Goudge. He graduated from...

19. Charles De Koninck (1906)

Canadian Philosopher

Charles De Koninck was a Belgian-Canadian Thomist philosopher and theologian. As director of the Department of Philosophy at the Université Laval in Quebec he had decisive influence on Catholic philosophy...

20. Charles Blattberg (1967)

Canadian Philosopher

Charles Blattberg is a professor of political philosophy at the Université de Montréal.

21. Vianney Décarie (1917)

Canadian Philosopher

Joseph Fernand Lionel Vianney Décarie OC GOQ was a Canadian philosopher. He was born November 28 1917 in Montreal Canada and died there on September 6 2009 of pneumonia.

22. Frédérick Têtu (1967)

Canadian Philosopher

édérick Têtu is a teacher born in the city of Québec in 1967. He holds a B. A. and a master’s degree in philosophy from the Université Laval and a...

23. Leslie Armour (1931)

Canadian Philosopher

Leslie Armour is a Canadian-born philosopher and writer on social economics. He is the father of the cellist and impresario Julian Armour.

24. Richard J. F. Day (1964)

Canadian Philosopher

Richard J. F. Day is a Canadian political philosopher and sociologist. He is the undergraduate chair and professor in the department of global development at Queen's University in Kingston Ontario...

25. Cressida Heyes (1970)

Canadian Philosopher

Cressida J. Heyes is a British and naturalized Canadian philosopher currently employed as the Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Gender and Sexuality at the University of Alberta Edmonton.

26. Claude Sumner (1919)

Canadian Philosopher

Claude Sumner SJ was a Canadian professor of philosophy who worked at Addis Ababa University from 1953. He was best known for his work on Ethiopian philosophy and in particular...

27. Dale Beyerstein (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Dale Beyerstein is a philosopher that has taught at Malaspina College Douglas College Kwantlen College the University of British Columbia and Langara College. Dale is a co-founder of the BC...

28. Will Kymlicka (1962)

Canadian Philosopher

Kymlicka is a Canadian political philosopher best known for his work on multiculturalism. He is currently Professor of Philosophy and Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy at Queen's University at...

29. Christopher W. Morris (1949)

Canadian Philosopher

Christopher Warren Morris is professor and chair of philosophy at the University of Maryland where he is also a member of the Faculty of Politics Philosophy and Public Matters. His...

30. Calvin Normore (1948)

Canadian Philosopher

Calvin Normore is a philosopher at McGill University in Montreal Canada where he holds the Macdonald Chair of Moral Philosophy since Fall 2008. He is also professor of Philosophy in...

31. William Herbert Dray (1921)

Canadian Philosopher

Herbert Dray was a Canadian philosopher of history. He was Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. He is known for his version of anti-positivist Verstehen in history in Laws...

32. John N. Deck (1921)

Canadian Philosopher

John Norbert Deck was a Canadian philosopher. Adhering to neither sartorial nor intellectual fashions Deck inspired generations of students with his highly idiosyncratic form of idealism deriving from Plotinus but...

33. Paul Churchland (1942)

Canadian Philosopher

Paul Churchland is a Canadian philosopher noted for his studies in neurophilosophy and the philosophy of mind. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of California San Diego where he...

34. Michael Ruse (1940)

Canadian Philosopher

Michael Ruse FRSC is a philosopher of science who specializes in the philosophy of biology and is well known for his work on the relationship between science and religion the...

35. John A. Leslie (1940)

Canadian Philosopher

John Andrew Leslie is a Canadian philosopher. He was educated at Wadham College Oxford earning his B. A. in English Literature in 1962 and his M. Litt. in Classics in...

36. Zenon Pylyshyn (1937)

Canadian Philosopher

Zenon Pylyshyn is a Canadian cognitive scientist and philosopher. He holds degrees in engineering-physics from McGill University and in control systems and experimental psychology both from the University of Saskatchewan...

37. Steven M. Rosen (1942)

Canadian Philosopher

Steven M. Rosen is a philosopher and psychologist based in Vancouver British Columbia.

38. L. W. Sumner (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Leonard Wayne Sumner is a Canadian philosopher notable for his work on normative and applied ethics political philosophy and the philosophy of law. Sumner is University Professor Emeritus of Law...

39. Michel Seymour (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Michel Seymour is a Québécois philosopher and professor at the Université de Montréal where he has been teaching analytical philosophy since 1990.

40. Donald D. Evans (1927)

Canadian Philosopher

Donald Dwight Evans is a Canadian educator psychotherapist and spiritual counsellor. He obtained a B. A. from the University of Toronto in 1950 following which he earned a B. Phil....

41. Todd Dufresne (1966)

Canadian Philosopher

Todd Dufresne is a Canadian social and cultural theorist best known for his work on Sigmund Freud and the history of psychoanalysis. He is Professor of Philosophy at Lakehead University...

42. Joseph Owens (Redemptorist) (1908)

Canadian Philosopher

Reverend Joseph Owens C. Ss. R. was a Canadian Roman Catholic priest and a scholar in medieval philosophy.

43. Zeno Vendler (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Zeno Vendler was an American philosopher of language and a founding member and former director of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Calgary. His work on lexical aspect...

44. Grace Jantzen (1948)

Canadian Philosopher

Grace Marion Jantzen was a feminist philosopher and theologian. She was professor of religion culture and gender at Manchester University from 1996 until her death from cancer at the age...

45. James Allen Graff (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

James Allen Graff was a professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto. He earned a doctorate at Brown University. John Irving then head of the Department of Ethics at...

46. Peter Glassen (1920)

Canadian Philosopher

Peter Glassen was a professor of philosophy at the University of Manitoba from 1949 until his death in 1986. He was previously a member of the psychology department at the...

47. Mark Alan Walker (1963)

Canadian Philosopher

Mark Alan Walker Ph. D. is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at New Mexico State University where he occupies the Richard L. Hedden Endowed Chair in Advanced Philosophical Studies. Prior...

48. Mark Kingwell (1963)

Canadian Philosopher

Mark Gerald Kingwell M. Litt M. Phil PhD D. F. A. is a Canadian professor of philosophy and associate chair at the University of Toronto's Department of Philosophy. Kingwell...

49. Jan Narveson (Unknow)

Canadian Philosopher

Jan Narveson OC is professor of philosophy emeritus at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo Ontario Canada. An anarcho-capitalist and contractarian Narveson's form of libertarian anarchism is deeply influenced by...

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