Greek Philosopher

1. Christos Yannaras (1935)

Greek Philosopher

Christos Yannaras is a Greek theologian Christian Orthodox philosopher and author of more than 50 books translated into many languages. He is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Panteion University...

2. Alexander Mavrocordatos (Unknow)

Greek Philosopher

Alexander Mavrocordatos was a member of the Greek Mavrocordatos family a doctor of philosophy and medicine of the University of Bologna and dragoman to Sultan Mehmed IV in 1673 —...

3. Dimitris Liantinis (1942)

Greek Philosopher

Dimitris Liantinis was a Greek philosopher writer and Deputy Professor of Philosophy in the areas of Education of Ancient and New Greek Literature at the University of Athens. He has...

4. Methodios Anthrakites (1660)

Greek Philosopher

Methodios Anthrakites was a Greek scholar priest and director of the Gioumeios and Epiphaneios Schools in Ioannina. He made a significant contribution in the growth of Greek Enlightenment during the...

5. Nicos Poulantzas (1936)

Greek Philosopher

Nicos Poulantzas was a Greek Marxist political sociologist. In the 1970s Poulantzas was known along with Louis Althusser as a leading Structural Marxist and while at first a Leninist eventually...

6. Polemon of Laodicea (1970)

Greek Philosopher

Marcus Antonius Polemon or Antonius Polemon also known as Polemon of Smyrna or Polemon of Laodicea was a sophist who lived in the 2nd century. Polemon was Anatolian Greek and...

7. Peregrinus Proteus (1970)

Greek Philosopher

Peregrinus Proteus was a Greek Cynic philosopher from Parium in Mysia. Leaving home at a young age he first lived with the Christians in Palestine before eventually being expelled from...

8. Altheides (1193)

Greek Philosopher

Altheides was a Cypriot philosopher primarily known from sayings attributed to him in the works of others. Little is known about the wandering philosopher known as Altheides of Cyprus and...

9. Libanius (1970)

Greek Philosopher

Libanius was a Greek-speaking teacher of rhetoric of the Sophist school. During the rise of Christian hegemony in the later Roman Empire he remained unconverted and in religious matters regarded...

10. Plotino Rhodakanaty (1828)

Greek Philosopher

Plotino Constantino Rhodakanaty was a Greek tailor and socialist and anarchist who was an early activist in Mexico's mid-nineteenth century labor and campesino movement foreshadowing the Mexican Revolution in 1910.

11. Neophytos Doukas (1760)

Greek Philosopher

with the surname Doukas/Dukas see Dukas Neophytos Doukas or Dukas was a Greek priest and scholar author of a large number of books and translations from ancient Greek works and...

12. Kiarina Kordela (1963)

Greek Philosopher

Aglaia Kiarina Kordela is a Greek-American philosopher and critical theorist. She is a professor of German Studies and founding director of the Critical Theory Program at Macalester College in Saint...

13. George of Trebizond (1395)

Greek Philosopher

George of Trebizond was a Greek philosopher and scholar one of the pioneers of the Renaissance.

14. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (1970)

Greek Philosopher

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite also known as Pseudo-Denys was a Christian theologian and philosopher of the late 5th to early 6th century probably Syrian the author of the set of works...

15. Panaetius (1970)

Greek Philosopher

Panaetius of Rhodes was a Stoic philosopher. He was a pupil of Diogenes of Babylon and Antipater of Tarsus in Athens before moving to Rome where he did much to...

16. Dimitris Dimitrakos (Unknow)

Greek Philosopher

Dimitris Dimitrakos is a Greek philosopher currently Professor Emeritus of Political Philosophy in the Philosophy of Science Department of the University of Athens. He originally studied economics at the London...

17. Ioannis Theodorakopoulos (1900)

Greek Philosopher

Ioannis Theodorakopoulos was a Greek philosopher. In 1920 Theodoracopoulos moved to Vienna to study Classical Philology and Philosophy.

18. Michail Papageorgiou (Unknow)

Greek Philosopher

Michail Papageorgiou was a Greek philosopher. He was born in Siatista in 1727. He studied philosophy in the Maroutsaia School of Ioannina under Eugenios Voulgaris. Later he visited Germany where...

19. Gemistus Pletho (Unknow)

Greek Philosopher

Georgius Gemistus later called Plethon or Pletho was a Greek scholar of Neoplatonic philosophy. He was one of the chief pioneers of the revival of Greek learning in Western Europe.

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