Israeli Mathematician

1. Ofer Gabber (1958)

Israeli Mathematician

Ofer Gabber is an Israeli mathematician working in algebraic geometry.

2. Doron Zeilberger (1950)

Israeli Mathematician

Doron Zeilberger is an Israeli mathematician known for his work in combinatorics.

3. Boris Tsirelson (1950)

Israeli Mathematician

Boris Semyonovich Tsirelson is a Russian-Israeli mathematician and Professor of Mathematics in the Tel Aviv University in Israel. Tsirelson was born in Leningrad to a Russian Jewish family. From his...

4. Ehud Hrushovski (1959)

Israeli Mathematician

Ehud Hrushovski is a mathematical logician. He is a Professor of Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He earned his PhD from the University of California Berkeley in 1986...

5. Amnon Yekutieli (1959)

Israeli Mathematician

Amnon Yekutieli is an Israeli mathematician working in noncommutative algebra algebraic geometry and deformation quantization. He is a professor of mathematics at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

6. Toufik Mansour (1968)

Israeli Mathematician

Toufik Mansour obtained his Ph. D. degree in mathematics from the University of Haifa in 2001. After various postdoctoral stints Toufik became a permanent member of the faculty at the...

7. Avi Wigderson (1956)

Israeli Mathematician

Avi Wigderson is an Israeli mathematician and computer scientist. He is professor of mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. His research interests include complexity theory parallel algorithms...

8. Oded Schramm (1961)

Israeli Mathematician

Oded Schramm was an Israeli-American mathematician known for the invention of the Schramm–Loewner evolution and for working at the intersection of conformal field theory and probability theory.

9. Paul Biran (1969)

Israeli Mathematician

Paul Ian Biran is an Israeli mathematician. He holds a chair at the ETH Zurich. His research interests include symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry. Born in Romania Biran's family moved...

10. Dror Bar-Natan (1966)

Israeli Mathematician

Dror Bar-Natan is a Professor at University of Toronto Department of Mathematics Canada. His main research interests include knot theory finite type invariants and Khovanov homology.

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