Guyanese Writer

1. Jan Carew (1920)

Guyanese Writer

A Guyanese-born novelist, playwright, and poet, he was a leading figure in West Indian literature and in the twentieth-century Black Power movement. His best-known literary works include Black Midas and...

2. Wilson Harris (1921)

Guyanese Writer

Award-winning Guyanese author known for his abstract and metaphorical style, he published such serial literary works as The Carnival Trilogy and The Guyana Quartet. His stand-alone novels include Palace of...

3. Laxmi Kallicharan (Unknow)

Guyanese Writer

Latchmie Kumarie Vainmati Kallicharran was a writer who was born in Guyana. She was one of the pioneers of Indo-Guyanese cultural awareness. Her use of radio and television for cultural...

4. David Dabydeen (1955)

Guyanese Writer

David Dabydeen is a Guyanese-born critic writer novelist and academic. Since 2010 he has been Guyana's ambassador to China.

5. Abdur Rahman Slade Hopkinson (Unknow)

Guyanese Writer

Slade Hopkinson is a writer who was born into a middle-class family in New Amsterdam Guyana in 1934.

6. A. J. Seymour (1914)

Guyanese Writer

Arthur James Seymour or A. J. Seymour was a Guyanese poet essayist memoirist and founding editor of the literary journal Kyk-Over-Al.

7. Beryl Gilroy (1924)

Guyanese Writer

Beryl Agatha Gilroy was a novelist and teacher and one of Britain's most significant post-war Caribbean migrants. Born in what was then British Guiana she moved in the 1950s...

8. Elly Niland (1954)

Guyanese Writer

Elly Niland is a Guyanese-born poet playwright and teacher. Her first collection of poetry was nominated for Best First Book of Poetry and was runner up for the Guyana Prize...

9. Oscar Dathorne (1934)

Guyanese Writer

Oscar Ronald Dathorne was a Guyanese educator novelist poet and critic.

10. Mahadai Das (Unknow)

Guyanese Writer

Mahadai Das was a Guyanese poet. She was born in Eccles East Bank Demerara Guyana in 1954. She wrote poetry from her early school days at Bishop's High School Georgetown....

11. Wordsworth McAndrew (Unknow)

Guyanese Writer

sworth McAndrew was a leading Guyana folklorist poet and creative artist.

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