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Ibn Taghribirdi

Jamal al-Din Yusuf bin al-Amir Sayf al-Din Taghribirdi (Arabic: جمال الدين يوسف بن الأمير سيف الدين تغري بردي), or Abū al-Maḥāsin Yūsuf ibn Taghrī-Birdī, or Ibn Taghribirdi (2 February 1411— 5 June 1470; 813–874 Hijri) was an Islamic historian born in the 15th century during the Mamluk rule. He studied under al-Ayni and al-Maqrizi, two of the leading Cairene historians and scholars of the day. His most famous work is a multi-volume chronicle of Egypt and the Mamluk sultanate called al-Nujum al-zahira fi muluk Misr wa'l-Qahira. His style is annalistic and gives precise dates for most events; this format makes it clear that Ibn Taghribirdi had privileged access to the sultans and their records. The name "Taghribirdi" is cognate to modern Turkish "Tanrıverdi" and means god-given in Turkic languages.


  • 1 Works
  • 2 Bibliography
  • 3 See also
  • 4 External links
  • 5 References


  • Al-Nujūm al-Zāhirah fī Mulūk Miṣr wa-al-Qāhirah (النجوم الزاهرة في ملوك مصر والقاهرة). Chronicle of period from the Islamic conquest of Egypt in 641 to 1468.
    • Edited by William Popper. 12. vols. Cairo, Dār al-Kutub al-Miṣrīyah, 1929–56.
    • Miṣr al-Jadīdah, al-Qāhirah, al-Maktab al-ʻArabī lil-Maʻārif (Arabic: المكتب العربي للمعارف) , 2017.
  • al-Manhal al-ṣāfī wa-al-mustawfá baʻda al-wāfī (المنهل الصافي والمستوفي بعد الوافي); 13-vol. biographical dictionary with approx. 3000 entries celebrating the lives of sultans, princes (amirs), scholars and scientists (ulama), dignitaries, and entertainers, from the Bahri dynasty and later.
  • Ḥawādith al-duhūr fī madá al-ayyām wa-al-shuhūr (حوادث الدهور في مدى الأيام والشهور); Egypt history 1250–1517 continues al-Maqrizi's Suluk li-ma'rifat duwwal al-muluk.
  • Al-Baḥr al-zākhir fī tārīkh al-ʻālam wa-akhbār al-awāʼil wa-al-awākhir (البحر الزاخر في تاريخ العالم وأخبار الأوائل والأواخر); universal history from creation of Adam (National Library of Paris, No.1551); Iraq MS purchased by Dar al-Kutub, Egypt.
  • Mawrid al-laṭāfah fī man waliya al-salṭanah wa-al-khilāfah (مورد اللطافة في من وليه السلطنة والخلافة); Biographies of the sultans and the caliphs.


  • History of Egypt 1382–1469; transl. from the Arabic Annals of Abu l-Maḥāsin Ibn Taghrī Birdī by William Popper, Berkeley 1954–63.

See also

  • List of Muslim historians

External links

  • Short summary of Ibn Taghribirdi's al-Nujum al-zahira fi muluk Misr wa'l-Qahira (Arabic)
  • Read parts of al-Nujum al-zahira fi muluk Misr wa'l-Qahira (Arabic)


    12th century
    13th century
    14th century
    15th century
    16th century
    17th century
    • Ahmad Khani
    18th century
    19th century
    • Mahmud Bayazidi
    • Mastoureh Ardalan
    Notable works
    • The Meadows of Gold
    • History of the Prophets and Kings
    • Mu'jam al-Buldan
    • Concise History of Humanity
    • The Complete History
    • Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya
    • The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries
    • Futuh al-Buldan
    • Kitab al-I'tibar
    • Al-Milal wa al-Nihal
    • History of the Caliphs
    • Kitab al-Rawd al-Mitar
    • Tarikh al-Yaqubi
    • Muqaddimah
    • Book of Idols
    • Rihla
    • Isnad
    • Islamic calendar
    • Biographical evaluation
    • Biographical dictionary
    • Hadith studies
    • Tabaqat
    • Isra'iliyyat

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