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Udo Z. Karzi

Indonesian writer (born 1970)

Udo Z. Karzi (born June 12, 1970 in Liwa, Lampung) is an Indonesian writer.


  • 1 Education
  • 2 Journalism
  • 3 Cultural work
  • 4 Awards
  • 5 Selected publications
  • 6 Studies of his work
  • 7 References


He graduated from the Department of Government Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science (FISIP) of Lampung University in 1996.


He was the chief editor of student newspaper Teknokra (1993-1994), the general leader of the magazine Republica (1994-1996), and advisor to the magazine Ijtihad (1995-1998).

He has been a member and administrator of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) in Lampung since its establishment on March 31, 2001.

He became a freelance reporter for the Lampung Post, Bandar Lampung (1995-1996), and a reporter for the weekly news magazine Sinar in Jakarta (1997-1998).

He worked as a lecturer in economics and accounting at a senior high school in his hometown (1998) before returning to journalism in roles at the Sumatera Post, Bandar Lampung (1998-2000), Lampung Post, Bandar Lampung (2000-2006), Borneo News, Pangkalan Bun (2006-2008), back to Lampung Post (2009-2015), and since 2015 at the newspaper Fajar Sumatera, Bandar Lampung.

Cultural work

He was chairman of the board of research and development of Lampung Art Council (R & D DKL) (2005-2006). In 2010, with Y. Wibowo and Nugroho Este, he established the publisher Pustaka Labrak, as well as being the editor at BE Press, Bandar Lampung (since 2007).


  • His book of poetry, Mak Dawah Mak Dibingi (BE Press, 2007) won the 2008 Rancage Literary Award for Lampung literature.
  • Won the 2014 Kamaroeddin Award from Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Bandar Lampung
  • His novel, Negarabatin (Pustaka LaBRAK, 2016) won the 2017 Rancage Literary Award for Lampung literature.

Selected publications

  • Etos Kita: Moralitas Kaum Intelektual (editor, Teknokra & Gama Media, 2002)
  • Teknokra: Jejak Langkah Pers Mahasiswa (editor with Budisantoso Budiman, Teknokra-Pustaka LaBRAK, 2010)
  • Mamak Kenut: Orang Lampung Punya Celoteh (Indepth Publishing, 2012),
  • Feodalisme Modern: Wacana Kritis tentang Lampung dan Kelampungan (Indepth Publishing, 2013).
  • Tumi Mit Kota (with Elly Dharmawanti, Pustaka Labrak, 2013),
  • Dari Oedin ke Ridho: Kado 100 Hari Pemerintah M Ridho Ficardo-Bachtiar Basri editor, Indepth Publishing, 2014)
  • Menulis Asyik (Sai Wawai Publishing, 2014)
  • Rumah Berwarna Kunyit (editor, Pustaka LaBRAK & Aura Publishing, 2015)
  • Ke Negarabatin Mamak Kenut Kembali (Pustaka LaBRAK, 2016)
  • Ngupi Pai: Sesobek Kecil Ulun Lampung (Pustaka LaBRAK, 2019)
  • Lunik-Lunik Cabi Lunik: Cerita-Cerita Buntak Gawoh (Pustaka LaBRAK, 2019)
  • Setiwang (pooms, Pustaka LaBRAK, 2020)
  • Jejak-jejak Literer: Bibliografi Sastra Lampung (1960-2020) (Pustaka LaBRAK, 2021)

Studies of his work

  • Kuswinarto. Udo Z. Karzi dalam Peta Puisi (Berbahasa) Lampung. (2003)
  • Ritanti Aji Cahyaningrum. Zulkarnain Zubairi dan Kelampungannya. (2006)
  • Melsa Hendralia. *isis Nilai-nilai Budaya Lampung dalam *pulan Sajak Mak Dawah Mak Dibingi karya Udo Z. Karzi dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Atas. (thesis STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi Lampung, 2010)


    • Danardana, Agus Sri, et al. 2008. Ensiklopedi Sastra Lampung. Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Lampung, Bandarlampung.

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