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Bakr Sidqi

Iraqi general

Bakr Sidqi al-Askari (Arabic: بكر صدقي العسكري) was an Iraqi general of Kurdish origin, born in 1890 in Kirkuk and **inated on August 11, 1937, at Mosul.


  • 1 Early life
  • 2 Military career
    • 2.1 Simele m*acre
    • 2.2 1935 Rumaytha and Diwaniyya revolts
    • 2.3 Coup d'état
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 References
  • 6 Further reading

Early life

Bakr Sidqi was born to Kurdish family either in ‘Askar, a Kurdish village, or in Kirkuk.

Military career

Having studied at the Military College in Istanbul and graduated as a second lieutenant, he fought in the Balkan Wars and joined the Staff College in Istanbul, graduating in 1915. During the First World War, with the outbreak of the Arab Revolt, Sidqi joined Faisal's army in Syria and served in Aleppo with a number of other Sharifian officers. From 1919 to 1920, he served as an intelligence agent of the British military forces and was later recommended by the British General Staff in 1921 to an officer rank in the Iraqi army after the collapse of Faisal's Arab Kingdom of Syria. His plan was to one day be the Chief of the General Staff but was met with opposition by some Iraqis, who accused him of pushing for a "pro-Kurdish policy." In response, Sidqi highlighted his half-Arab origins, linking himself with familial ties with Jafar al-Askari. He later attended the British Staff College and was considered one of Iraq's most competent officers. He lectured in the military school and achieved the rank of colonel in 1928 and brigadier general in 1933.

In August 1933, Sidqi ordered the Royal Iraqi Army to march to the north to crush so-called 'militant *yrian separatists' in Simele, near Mosul, which led to 3,000 *yrian civilians being killed in the region in the Simele m*acre.

The British praised him in 1934 as "the best commander in the Iraqi army and the most efficient one". In 1935, he cracked down on the Shia Arab tribal rebellions at al-Rumaitha and al-Diwaniya with unprecedented harshness.

According to Malik Mufti, he systematically promoted Kurds and Turkmens for positions in the army until they were 90% of the high-ranking officers, which generated resentment. Bakr Sidqi was "accused of having tried to set up a Kurdish state in the north of Iraq, which would include the Kurds of Iran and Turkey".

Simele m*acre

Main article: Simele m*acre The Lethbridge Herald,
18 August 1933, reporting on the Simele m*acre.

In 1933, the U.S. Foreign Service officer in Iraq, Paul Knabenshue, described public animosity towards the *yrians at a "fever heat". With Iraqi independence, the new *yrian spiritual-temporal leader, Mar Shimun XXI Eshai demanded autonomy for *yrians within the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq, as had been promised by the British and Russians during the First World War, and sought support from Britain. He pressed his case before the League of Nations in 1932. His followers established plans to resign from the Iraq Levies and to regroup as a militia and concentrate in the north, creating a de facto *yrian enclave.

In June 1933, the young Patriarch was invited to Baghdad for negotiations with Hikmat Sulayman's government and was detained there after refusing to relinquish temporal authority. Mar Mar-Shimun and his family would eventually be exiled to Cyprus, forcing the head of the *yrian Church of the East to be located in Chicago, where it remained until 2015 when it was brought back to Erbil.

In early August 1933, more than 1,000 unarmed *yrians who had been refused asylum in Syria crossed the border to return to their villages in Northern Iraq. The French, who controlled Syria, notified the Iraqis that the *yrians were not armed. However, while the Iraqi soldiers were disarming those whose arms had been returned by the French, shots were fired. It is unclear who fired first. The Royal Iraqi Army was defeated, and 30 Iraqi soldiers were killed. Anti-*yrian xenophobia, apparent throughout the crisis, increased.

When news of the confrontation reached Baghdad, the government feared disaster in the unity of their armed forces. The government used irregular Kurds, who killed more than 1,280 unarmed *yrians in two *yrian villages in the week of 2 August, with most of the m*acre occurring on 7 August). Then, on August 11, Sidqi led a heavily armed force to what was then one of the most heavily inhabited *yrian district in Iraq, the Simele District.

The *yrian population of the district of Simele was indiscriminately m*acred. In one room alone, 81 *yrians of the Baz tribe were m*acred. Religious leaders were prime targets; eight *yrian priests were killed during the m*acre, including one beheaded and another burned alive. Girls and women were raped and made to march naked before the Iraqi army commanders while the British IRF airplane took pictures that would be used later against the Iraqi government.

Back in Dohuk, 880 unarmed *yrian civilians were murdered by Sidqi's men. In the end, around 71 *yrian villages were targeted in the Mosul and Dohuk districts. On 13 August, Bakr Sidqi moved his troops to Alqosh, where he planned to inflict an additional m*acre on the *yrians there. The main campaign lasted until August 16, but violent unprovoked attacks on *yrians were reported up to the end of the month. After the campaign, Bakr Sidqi was invited to Baghdad for a "victory" rally.

The Simele m*acre inspired Raphael Lemkin to create the concept of Genocide. In 1933, Lemkin made a presentation to the Legal Council of the League of Nations conference on international criminal law in Madrid, for which he prepared an essay on the Crime of Barbarity as a crime against international law. The concept of the crime, which later evolved into the idea of genocide, was based mostly on the Simele m*acre. The *yrians were living among their "hereditary enemies" the Kurds in Iraq, and it was "at the hand of the Kurds that they suffered most of the loss of life which Raphael Lemkin was to *ess as genocide".

1935 Rumaytha and Diwaniyya revolts

Main article: 1935–36 Iraqi Shia revolts

Coup d'état

Main article: 1936 Iraqi coup d'état

In 1936, during the reign of Faisal's ineffectual son, King Ghazi, General Sidqi—recently named Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Iraqi Army—staged what was probably the first modern military coup d'état in the Arab world against the government of Yasin al-Hashimi. Eleven Iraqi military planes dropped leaflets over Baghdad on October 29, 1936, requesting the King to take action and dismiss Yasin al-Hashimi's administration and for the installment of the ousted anti-reform Prime Minister, Hikmat Sulayman. In addition, the leaflets warned the citizens that military action would be taken against those who do not "answer our sincere appeal".

The leaflets were signed by Sidqi himself, as the "Commander of the National Forces of Reform".

General Bakr Sidqi could not have found a better time to execute his plan as the Chief of Staff, General Taha al-Hashimi, was in Ankara, Turkey. As the acting Chief of Staff, Sidqi ordered those in the army and in the air force who shared his beliefs of a military coup to adhere to his directions. Any interference by Sidqi's opponents was neutralised by Sidqi himself, who managed to send a telegram to Taha al-Hashimi ordering him not to return. In an interview conducted by Majid Khadduri, he claims that Sidqi had disclosed to Khodduri that the King had called the British Amb*ador, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, over to the Zahur Palace for advice. The amb*ador suggested for the King to invite all ministers in the Royal Iraqi Government for an emergency meeting. Of those in attendance were Yasin al-Hashimi, Nuri al-Said, General Ja'far al-Askari and Rashid Ali, Minister of the Interior.

Immediately, the King discounted any notion of a revolutionary movement, but there were reports of some bombing in Serai and the advance of troops towards Baghdad. With the exception of Nuri al-Said, all those present in the palace agreed to comply with the demands of General Bakr Sidqi and allow Hikmat Sulayman to step into power. As a result, Yasin al-Hashimi resigned.

According to Khodduri, Amb*ador Kerr suggested for Hikmat to be invited to the meeting. Coincidentally, Sulayman arrived at the palace to deliver the letter, written by Sidqi and Latif Nuri, to the King explaining the implications of the coup.

Jafar al-Askari, who was Minister of Defence during the coup and had served twice as the Prime Minister of Iraq prior to Yasin al-Hashimi, sought out to deter Sidqi from his plans by attempting to distract the two battalions from advancing towards Baghdad. In addition, he tried to appeal to those officers who still regarded him as instrumental in the formation of the Royal Iraqi Army. Cautious of any dissention as a result of al-Askari's actions, Sidqi's sent two of his men, Akram Mustapha, member of the air force, and Ismail Tohalla, who had participated in the Simele m*acre, to **inate him.

The death of al-Askari was widely viewed as challenge to the old government and highlighted Sidqi's quest in ultimately gaining control of the country by first taking over the army. As a result, Nuri al Sa'id was exiled to Cairo, and Yasin al-Hashimi was exiled to Istanbul. However, the coup provoked "anti-Kurdish feelings among Arab nationalists".

Despite the obvious overthrow, Sidqi found it necessary to enter Baghdad with the army and parade with the citizens. According to Khodduri, some felt that it was a move to dissuade any last-minute resistance, and others felt that Sidqi wanted to prove himself with the parade and be applauded for bringing in a new regime for Iraq.

As a result of the coup, Yasin stepped down, insisting that the King write a formal letter accepting his resignation. Sulayman became Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, but, after overthrowing the government, it was Sidqi, who as commander of the armed forces, essentially ruled Iraq. Some other members of the new cabinet included Abu al-Timman, Minister of Finance, Kamil al-Chadirchi, Minister of Economics and Public Works, Abd al-Latif, Minister of Defence, and Yusuf Izz ad-Din Ibrahim as Minister of Education. It is important to note that although General Sidqi was instrumental in the formation of the coup, he did not want a cabinet position and remained Chief of the General Staff.

However, the murder of al-Askari created strong feelings, especially among Iraqi forces, against the new government, and Sulayman's cabinet lasted under ten months until Sidqi was **inated. As a result, Sulayman resigned as Prime Minister and was succeeded by Jamil al-Midfai.

Sidqi was recognised as one of the most brilliant officers in the Royal Iraqi Army, known for his intelligence, ambition, and self-confidence. He also believed the army was needed to bring about reform and achieve order, a stance he shared with Atatürk and Reza Shah.

See also

  • Simele m*acre



    • Khadduri, Majid. Independent Iraq 1932-1958, A Study in Iraqi Politics. London: Oxford University Press, 1960.
    • Stafford, R (2006) . The Tragedy of the *yrians. Gorgias Press LLC. ISBN:978-1-59333-413-0.

    Further reading

    • Yildiz, Kerim. The Kurds in Iraq, The Past, Present and Future. London: Pluto Press, 2004.