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Ronen Palan

Israeli economistSee also: Tax haven

  • Revenue service
  • Revenue stamp
  • Tax *essment
  • Taxable income
  • Tax lien
  • Tax refund
  • Tax shield
  • Tax residence
  • Tax preparation
  • Tax investigation
  • Tax shelter
  • Tax collector
  • Private tax collection
  • Tax farming
  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Per unit
  • Ad valorem
  • Capital gains
  • Carbon
  • Consumption
  • Dividend
  • Ecotax
  • Excise
  • Fuel
  • Georgist
  • Gift
  • Gross receipts
  • Income
  • Inheritance (estate)
  • Land value
  • Payroll
  • Pigovian
  • Property
  • Sales
  • Sin
  • Single
  • Stamp
  • Steering
  • Turnover
  • Value-added (VAT)
  • Corporate profit
  • Excess profits
  • Windfall profits
  • Negative (income)
  • Wealth
  • Financial transaction tax
  • Currency transaction tax
  • European Union Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB)
  • Minimum corporate tax rate
  • Tobin tax
  • Spahn tax
  • Tax equalization
  • Tax treaty
  • Permanent establishment
  • Transfer pricing
  • European Union FTT
  • Foreign revenue rule
  • Custom
  • Duty
  • Tariff
    • Import
    • Export
  • Tariff war
  • Free trade
  • Free-trade zone
  • Trade agreement
  • ATA Carnet
  • Church tax
  • Eight per thousand
  • Teind
  • *he
  • Fiscus Judaicus
  • Leibzoll
  • Temple tax
  • Tolerance tax
  • *ya
  • Kharaj
  • Khums
  • Nisab
  • Zakat
By country
  • :Business portal
  • :Money portal

Ronen Palan (born 21 March 1957) is an Israeli-born economist and Professor of International Political Economy in the Department of International Politics at the City University London. He has many books and articles on the political economy of the state, globalisation and state strategies, and evolutionary approaches to the study of international relations. Ronen Palan was of the founding editors of the Review of International Political Economy. Palan's major empirical work is the area of offs* financial centres and tax havens. Palan has argued that offs* finance "is certainly not the sole cause for the decline of the nation-state, but it must be seen as an important contributing factor to the decline".

In January 2016, Palan acted as an advisor to the BBC's do*entary, Britain’s Trillion Pound Paradise – Inside Cayman. In May 2017, Palan also featured in the do*entary, "The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire" on the U.K.'s relationships with tax havens.

As a student, Palan attended the London School of Economics, where he produced his PhD thesis Patterns of non-governmental interactions as a bridge between the structuralist theory of the state and the study of international relations. He subsequently worked at Newcastle University and the University of Sussex before joining Birmingham University in 2007. Palan has aut*d and edited a number of books, including Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories (edited, Routledge, 2000), The Offs* World: Sovereign Markets, Virtual Places, and Nomad Millionaires (Cornell University Press, 2003), The Imagined Economies of Globalisation (with Angus Cameron, Sage, 2004) and Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works (with Richard Murphy, Christian Chavagneux, Cornell University Press, 2010).

Palan is married and has two sons.


  • Palan, Ronen; Murphy, Richard; Chavagneux, Christian (2009). Tax Havens: How Globalization Really Works. Cornell University Press. ISBN:0-8014-7612-7.


    • Capital ac*ulation
    • Dependency
    • Development
    • Earth system
    • Fiscal localism
    • Modernization
      • ecological
      • history of
    • Primitive ac*ulation
    • Social change
    • World history
    • World-systems
    • Category
    • :Business portal