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Inoue Masashige

In this *anese name, the surname is Inoue.

Inoue Masashige (井上 政重, 1585 – 27 March 1661) was an important figure during the early Edo period in *an. As the Daimyo of Takaoka Domain, he played a role in the persecution and eradication of early Christians in *an. He was commissioner for the Dutch East India Company in Nagasaki.

He is thought to have risen to prominence. In his post of Inspector General (ōmetsuke, 大目付), Masashige had many encounters with the Dutch East India Company, who recorded much about him.

External links

  • Blussé, Leonard (2003). "The grand inquisitor Inoue Chikugano Kami Masashige, spin doctor of the Tokugawa Bakafu", Bulletin of Portuguese/*anese Studies, vol. 7. Universidade Nova de Lisboa p.23-43 http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/361/36100702.pdf