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Jagdish Singh Khehar

44th Chief Justice of India

Jagdish Singh Khehar (born 28 August 1952) was the 44th Chief Justice of India (CJI). Khehar is the first CJI from the Sikh community. He has been a judge in Supreme Court of India from 13 September 2011 to 27 August 2017 upon superannuation. He served for a brief period but gave many landmark Judgements such as the Triple Talaq and the Right to Privacy verdict. He was succeeded by Justice Dipak Misra.


  • 1 Notable judgements
    • 1.1 Right to Privacy verdict
    • 1.2 2G spectrum case
    • 1.3 Triple talaq case
  • 2 Allegations
  • 3 References

Notable judgements

Justice J.S. Khehar led the five-judge Cons*ution Bench in Supreme Court Advocates on Record *ociation v. Union of India . By enabling the collegium system to continue, Justice J. S. Khehar, quashed the NJAC Act and also declared 99th Amendment to the Cons*ution uncons*utional. The majority concluded this judgment:

While adjudicating upon the merits of the submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the rival parties, I have arrived at the conclusion, that clauses (a) and (b) of Article 124A(1) do not provide an adequate representation, to the judicial component in the NJAC, clauses (a) and (b) of Article 124A(1) are insufficient to preserve the primacy of the judiciary, in the matter of selection and appointment of Judges, to the higher judiciary (as also transfer of Chief Justices and Judges, from one High Court to another). The same are accordingly, violative of the principle of "independence of the judiciary."Justice Khehar further explained:

that clause (c) of Article 124 A (1) is ultra-vires the provisions of the Cons*ution, because of the inclusion of the Union Minister in charge of Law and Justice as an ex officio Member of the NJAC. Clause (c) of Article 124A (1), in my view, impinges upon the principles of "independence of the judiciary", as well as, "separation of powers". It has also been concluded by me, that clause (d) of Article 124A (1) which provides for the inclusion of two "eminent persons" as Members of the NJAC is ultra vires the provisions of the Cons*ution, for a variety of reasons. The same has also been held as violative of the "basic structure" of the Cons*ution.

But fascinatingly, Justice Khehar admitted that all is not well even with the collegium system and this is the time to improve it. However, the Supreme Court invited the government to help the judiciary to improve and better the existing collegium system.

  • A three judges Bench of the Supreme Court headed by Justice J S Khehar upheld cancellation of admission of more than 300 candidates

Justice J. S. Khehar also headed a historic five judge Cons*ution bench in Nabam Rebia & Bamand Felix v. Bamang Felix Deputy Speaker & Others, that reinstated the Congress-led Arunachal Pradesh Government and held all the actions of the Governor violative of the Cons*ution. Alluding S. R. Bommai v. Union of India Justice Khehar avowed that it had: "all the powers to put the clock back".

The Supreme Court Bench headed by Justice J S Khehar imposed an exemplary cost of Rs. 25 lakh on NGO Suraz India Trust for filing 64 frivolous cases in various high courts and also in the apex court and wasting the judicial time. (Decided on 1 May 2017).

Justice J S Khehar in State of Punjab vs. Jagjit Singh (Decided on 26 October 2016) gave a significant verdict holding that the principal of 'equal pay for equal work' has to be made applicable to those engaged as daily wagers, casual and contractual employees who perform the same duties as the regulars.

Justice J S Khehar was also a part of the bench which sent Sahara Chief Subrata Roy to jail while hearing the matter relating to the refund of money invested by people in his two companies.

Heading a three-judge bench of Punjab and Haryana High Court Justice Khehar decided a case involving definition of a Sikh. He held that religion must be perceived as it is, and not as another would like it to be.

Right to Privacy verdict

Right to Privacy verdict officially known as Justice K. S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Anr. vs Union Of India And Ors is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of India, in which a nine-judge bench including Justice Khehar held that the right to privacy is protected as a fundamental right under Articles 14, 19 and 21 of the Cons*ution of India.

2G spectrum case

Main article: 2G spectrum case

As an aftermath of Supreme Court's landmark decision in the 2G spectrum case, Govt of India filed a Presidential reference before the Supreme Court. Justice Khehar gave a separate concurring opinion in which he warned that the government should not be under erroneous impression that it is not necessary to allocate natural resources through auction.

No part of the natural resource can be dissipated as a matter of largess, charity, donation or endowment, for private exploitation. Each bit of natural resource expended must bring back a reciprocal consideration.

— Justice J. S. Khehar, Supreme Court of India,

Triple talaq case

Main article: Triple talaq in India

Justice Khehar was one of the judges on multi-faith bench that heard the controversial Triple Talaq case in 2017. Though Khehar upheld the practice of validity of Triple Talaq (Talaq-e-Biddat), it was barred by the bench by 3:2 majority and asked the Central government to bring legislation in six months to govern marriage and divorce in the Muslim community. The court said till the government formulates a law regarding triple talaq, there would be an injunction on husbands pronouncing triple talaq on their wives.


In 2017, the Committee on Judicial Accountability published the suicide note written by former Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Kalikho Pul. In the note, Pul claimed that Khehar had demanded ₹49 crore (Para 15.22, Page 39) and ₹31 crore (Para 15.27, Page 41) in bribes from Pul for delivering a favourable verdict. The Committee on Judicial Accountability has demanded a probe in the matter.
