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Willem Vos

Willem Lambertus Vos (born August 30, 1964, Amstelveen) is a Dutch scientist. He is Professor of Physics at the University of Twente and former group leader at the Ins*ute for Atomic and Molecular Physics "AMOLF" In 2004, with his group members, Peter Lodahl et al. they succeeded in controlling the pace of light emission, varying from a light drizzle to a rainstorm. In the process, the team has verified a 1987 prediction of American physicist Eli Yablonovitch that ignited a worldwide rush to build tiny "chips" that control light beams. The achievement of Dr. Lodahl and a team of physicists and chemists was reported on in Nature (430). Researchers say it has many potential uses, not only as a tool for controlling quantum optical systems, but also in efficient miniature lasers for display devices and telecommunications, in solar cells, and even in future quantum computers.

External links

  • Homepage of Willem Vos