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Daniel Guérin

French anarcho-communist author and influential queer anarchist contributorFor the French table tennis player, see Daniel Guérin (table tennis).

Daniel Guérin (French::; 19 May 1904, in Paris – 14 April 1988, in Suresnes) was a French libertarian-communist author, best known for his work Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, as well as his collection No Gods No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism in which he collected writings on the idea and movement it inspired, from the first writings of Max Stirner in the mid-19th century through the first half of the 20th century. He is also known for his opposition to National Socialist German Workers' Partysm, fascism, capitalism, imperialism and colonialism, in addition to his support for the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) during the Spanish Civil War. His revolutionary defense of free love and *sexuality influenced the development of queer anarchism.


  • 1 CGT, PSOP, and Libertarian Marxism
  • 2 LGBT+ activism
  • 3 Works
  • 4 References
  • 5 Further reading
  • 6 External links

CGT, PSOP, and Libertarian Marxism

Significant events
  • Diggers
  • Enragés
  • Paris Commune
  • Haymarket affair
  • **ination of William McKinley
  • Strandzha Commune
  • Russian Revolution
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic
  • German Revolution of 1918–1919
  • Biennio Rosso
  • Ukrainian War of Independence
  • Left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks (Kronstadt rebellion)
  • Escuela moderna
  • Mexican Revolution
  • Reichstag fire
  • Spanish Revolution of 1936
  • Uprising of 1953 in East Germany
  • Hungarian Revolution of 1956
  • May 1968 events in France
  • Prague Spring
  • Left communism in China
  • Hippie movement
  • Autonomia Operaia
  • Chiapas conflict
  • 1999 Seattle WTO protests
  • Argentinazo
  • Occupy movement
  • Kurdish–Turkish conflict
  • Iran–PJAK conflict
  • Rojava conflict
Related topics
  • Anarchism
    • Anarchism and socialism
  • Communism
  • Left-libertarianism
  • Libertarianism
  • Marxism
  • Social democracy
  • Socialism
  • Syndicalism
  • :Anarchism portal
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Guérin was born in a liberal Parisian family. Early on, he started political activism in the revolutionary syndicalist magazine La Révolution prolétarienne of Pierre Monatte. He abandoned university and a literary career in 1926, traveling to Lebanon (1927–1929) and French Indochina (1929–1930) and became a p*ionate opponent of colonial ventures.

LGBT+ activism

Guérin, a bisexual, offers an insight into the tension sexual minorities among the Left have often felt. He was a leading figure in the French Left from the 1930s until his death in 1988. He contributed to the *phile journal Arcadie. In 1954, Guérin was widely attacked for his study of the Kinsey Reports in which he also detailed the oppression of *sexuals in France. "The harshest came from Marxists, who tend seriously to underestimate the form of oppression which is antisexual terrorism. I expected it, of course, and I knew that in publishing my book I was running the risk of being attacked by those to whom I feel closest on a political level." After coming out in 1965, Guérin was abandoned by the Left, and his papers on sexual liberation were censored or refused publication in left-wing journals. Guérin was involved in the uprising of May 1968, and was a part of the French Gay Liberation movement that emerged after the events. Decades later, Frédéric Martel described Guérin as the "grandfather of the French *sexual movement." Guérin spoke about the extreme hostility toward *sexuality that permeated the left throughout much of the 20th century. "Not so many years ago, to declare oneself a revolutionary and to confess to being *sexual were incompatible," Guérin wrote in 1975.


  • Le livre de la dix-huitième année (poèmes), Paris, Albin Michel, 1922
  • L'enchantement du Vendredi Saint (roman), Paris, Albin Michel, 1925
  • La vie selon la chair (roman), Paris, Albin Michel, 1929
  • Fascisme et grand capital. Italie-Allemagne, Paris, Éditions de la révolution prolétarienne, 1936
    • English translation by Einde O’ Callaghan Fascism and Big Business.
  • La lutte des cl*es sous la Première République, 1793-1797, Paris, Gallimard, 2 vol., 1946 (édition abrégée:: Bourgeois et bras-nus, 1793-1795, 1968)
  • Où va le peuple américain:?, Paris, Julliard, 2 vol., 1950-1951
  • Au service des colonisés, Paris, Éditions de Minuit, 1954
  • Kinsey et la sexualité, Paris, Julliard, 1955
  • Les Antilles décolonisées, préface d'Aimé Césaire, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1956
  • Trois problèmes de la Révolution, 1958 essay
    • English translation by Paul Sharkey: "Three Problems of the Revolution"
  • Jeunesse du socialisme libertaire, Paris, Rivière, 1959
  • Shakespeare et Gide en correctionnelle:?, Paris, Editions du Scorpion, 1959
  • Le grain sous la neige, adaptation théâtrale d'après IgNational Socialist German Workers' Partyo Silone, Éditions Mondiales, 1961
  • Vautrin, adaptation théâtrale d'après Honoré de Balzac, Paris, La Plume d'or, 1962
  • Eux et lui, illustré par André M*on, Monaco, Editions du Rocher, 1962
  • Essai sur la révolution sexuelle après Reich et Kinsey, Paris, Belfond, 1963
  • Front Populaire, révolution manquée:?, Paris, Julliard, 1963
  • Décolonisation du noir américain, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1963
  • L'Algérie qui se cherche, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1964
  • Un jeune homme excentrique. Essai d'autobiographie, Paris, Julliard, 1965
  • Sur le fascisme:: I- La peste brune:; II- Fascisme et grand capital, Paris, Maspero, 1965 (réédition)
  • L'anarchisme. De la doctrine à l'action, Paris, Gallimard, 1965
    • English translation by Mary Klopper: Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, with an introduction by Noam Chomsky, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1970
  • Ni Dieu ni maître. Histoire et anthologie de l'anarchie, Paris, Éditions de Delphes, 1965
  • Pour un marxisme libertaire, Paris, Laffont, 1969
  • Rosa Luxembourg et la spontanéité révolutionnaire, Paris, Flammarion, 1971
  • Autobiographie de jeunesse. D'une dissidence sexuelle au socialisme, Paris, Belfond, 1972
  • De l'Oncle Tom aux Panthères Noires, Paris, UGE, 1973 (réédition:: Les Bons Caractères, 2010)
  • Les **ins de Ben Barka. Dix ans d'enquête, Paris, Guy Authier, 1975
  • La Révolution française et nous, Paris, Maspero, 1976
  • Proudhon oui et non, Paris, Gallimard, 1978
  • *sexualité et révolution, Paris, Le vent du ch'min, 1983


    Further reading

    • Anarchism portal
    • Communism portal
    • Socialism portal
    • Berry, David (2014-07-03). "Metamorphosis: The Making of Daniel Guérin, 1904–1930". Modern & Contemporary France. 22 (3): 321–342. doi:10.1080/09639489.2013.856875. ISSN:0963-9489. S2CID:145567818.
    • Berry, David (2022). A Life in the Service of Revolution: Daniel Guérin, 1904-1988. Oakland, CA: PM Press.
    • Copley, Antony R. H. (1989). "Daniel Guérin: Towards Self-Acceptance". Sexual Moralities in France, 1780–1980: New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and *sexuality. London: Routledge. pp.:181–197. ISBN:978-0-415-00360-5. OCLC:883700728.
    • Saintin, Alexandre (2013-08-08). "The Socialist Intellectual Daniel Guérin in Germany: Before and after the Disaster". Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'Histoire (in French) (119): 15–28. doi:10.3917/ving.119.0015. ISSN:0294-1759.
    • Schwartzwald, Robert (2005). "GUÉRIN, DANIEL (1904–1988)". In Marshall, Bill (ed.). France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History. ABC-CLIO. pp.:541–542. ISBN:978-1-85109-411-0.

    External links

    • DanielGuerin.info Designed by activists, researchers and relatives, this site is dedicated to the life and works of Daniel Guerin
    • Anarchist Archives
    • Anarchism: From Theory to Practice
    • Daniel Guérin Archive at marxists.org
    • The Anarchist Writings of Daniel Guerin
    • Full text at the Internet Archive
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