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Drummond White

Canadian politician

Drummond White (born March 19, 1951) is a former politician in Ontario, Canada. He was a New Democratic Party member of the Legislative *embly of Ontario from 1990 to 1995.


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Politics
  • 3 Later life
  • 4 Electoral record
  • 5 References
    • 5.1 Notes
    • 5.2 Citations
  • 6 External links


White grew up in Oshawa, Ontario. He graduated with an Honours BA (University of Toronto), a Bachelor in Social Work (BSW), a Master in Social Work (Wilfrid Laurier University), and a Research Diploma in Social Work (University of Toronto). White is currently self-employed as a family counsellor and social worker. His work emphasizes mediation and family *essment.

He is married to Norah Love and they have three adult children: Amanda, Devin, and Lenore.


White became involved in politics because he was concerned about the tax burden and the rising cost of raising a family. He said, "Nothing is more important in terms of family values than having bread on the table." White had been involved in social justice, cooperative and political campaigns since high school. He was elected to the Ontario legislature in the 1990 provincial election, defeating in*bent Liberal Allan Furlong and Progressive Conservative Jim Flaherty by over 2,000 votes in the Greater Toronto Area riding of Durham Centre.

The NDP won a majority in this election and White served as the parliamentary *istant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs on two occasions between 1992 and 1995. White dealt especially with the Office of the Greater Toronto Area and participated in the creation of the Waterfront Trail. Drummond White also drove the reforms to the Municipal and Planning Acts through provincial parliament.

In 1992, White and fellow Durham MPP Jim Wiseman became involved in a minor controversy when it was found they were billing taxpayers for the cost of renting a shared apartment in Toronto. He claimed that working long hours as an MPP justified his need for the apartment. Due to the publicity, he and Wiseman ended the lease in August 1992.

In December 1992, White moved a resolution advocating the creation of a regulating body for social workers in Ontario. At the time, Ontario was the only province that did not have a regulating body for social workers. A spokesman for the Ministry of Social Services said that legislation for social work was a low priority. While he was not successful in getting a bill p*ed during his time as MPP, a similar bill called the Social Work and Social Service Work Act was enacted in 1998. Drummond was the final witness and speaker before the legislative committee that dealt with the bill and was pleased when this legislation was finally enacted.

In February 1994, White was charged with common *ault. As a result of the charges he resigned from the NDP caucus and also from his role as parliamentary *istant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. He sat as an Independent member until his case was resolved. In March 1994, a judge dismissed the charge against White. It turned out that he had confronted his 14-year-old daughter over cigarettes and tried to search her jacket. A tug of war ensued which led to the *ault charge. The judge, John Payne said, "There was an indirect use of force which could be construed as an *ault, but there was no physical *ault." The incident was reported at school the next day which was why the charge was laid. "Mr. White was concerned about his daughter smoking," said Mr. Payne. "He acted like any concerned parent would." Shortly after the trial, White returned to the NDP caucus and his role as *istant to Minister of Municipal Affairs.

In the 1995 provincial election, White was defeated in his bid for re-election, finishing third against Conservative Jim Flaherty and Liberal Allan Furlong.

Later life

After leaving politics, White returned to his profession as a social worker. In 1996 he served as co-chair to the Durham Region Coalition for Social Justice which sought to prevent the Harris government from reducing social services. He also participated in other Durham advocacy groups such as Save Our Schools and Save Our S*s.

He joined the board of the Canadian *ociation of Social Workers. In 2008, he was elected Secretary-Treasurer. In 2005, he was chosen as the Ontario recipient of the Canadian *ociation of Social Workers' Distinguished Service Award. Drummond was also on the Board of the Ontario *ociation of Social Workers (OASW) and was elected Vice-President in charge of Social and Professional Advocacy.

In addition to social and professional activity, Drummond has also been very involved in his local community serving as a Lay Chaplain with the Unitarian church in Durham (UUCD) and acting in community theatre.

On April 1, 2019, he made his entrance to Corus Quay.

Electoral record




      External links

      • Official website
      • Ontario Legislative *embly parliamentary history (archived)