Louis-Armand de La Poype de Vertrieu

Louis-Armand de La Poype de Vertrieu (Paris, 2 February 1721 – London, 12 May 1801) was a French Navy officer and statesman.


In 1763, Vertrieux was given command of the frigate Pléïade for a mission against the Salé Rovers. Pléïade patrolled between Oran and Algiers, with Suffren as first officer and Flotte as second officer, and along with the xebecs Singe and Caméléon. On 15 July 1763, Singe mistakenly engaged a galiot from Algiers, which she mistook for a Salé rover. Pléïade intervened fired two broadsides into the galiot, which sank with all hands before the error was realised. This triggered a diplomatic incident and Captain Fabry had to negotiate a resolution to the crisis. Vertrieux fell out of favour due to the incident.

Sources and references




    • Contenson, Ludovic (1934). La Société des Cincinnati de France et la guerre d'Amérique (1778-1783). Paris: éditions Auguste Picard. OCLC:7842336.
    • Moulin, Stéphane (1922). La Carrière d'un Marin au XVIIIème siècle:; Joseph de Flotte 1734-1792. Gap: éditions Jean et Peyrot. OCLC:902496109.
    • Lacour-Gayet, Georges (1905). La marine militaire de la France sous le règne de Louis XVI. Paris: Honoré Champion. OCLC:763372623.
    • Taillemite, Étienne (2002). Dictionnaire des Marins français. Tallandier. ISBN:2-84734-008-4. OCLC:606770323.