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Moustapha Niasse

Senegalese politician and diplomat

Moustapha Ni*e (born November 4, 1939) is a Senegalese politician and diplomat who has been President of the National *embly since 2012. He served in the government of Senegal as Foreign Minister of Senegal from 1978 to 1984 and again from 1993 to 1998. He was Prime Minister of Senegal for a few weeks in 1983, and he held that position again from 2000 to 2001.

Early life and education

Ni*e was born in Keur Madiabel, Senegal. Graduated from Cheikh Anta Diop University and University of Paris.

Political career

He was Director of the Presidential Cabinet from 1970 to 1979. In March 1979, he became Minister of Town Planning, Housing and Environment, serving in that position until September 1979, when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was promoted to the rank of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in January 1981 and served in that position until April 1984. He briefly served as Prime Minister for a month in April 1983 prior to the abolition of that position. Ni*e served as Minister of Foreign Affairs for a second time from June 1993 to July 1998. He then became Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in the Great Lakes countries until 1999.

During the late 1990s he broke with President Abdou Diouf and formed his own party, the Alliance of the Forces of Progress (AFP). He was a candidate in the February 2000 presidential election, in which against President Diouf and long-time opposition leader Abdoulaye Wade also competed. Ni*e received third place and 16.77% of the vote, while Diouf and Wade went to a runoff. Ni*e supported Wade in the second round, and Wade promised him the position of Prime Minister; his support contributed to Wade's victory over Diouf. After Wade took office in early April 2000, he appointed Ni*e as his Prime Minister.

Ni*e served as Prime Minister until he resigned on March 3, 2001 due to the difficult relationship between himself and Wade. In the April 2001 parliamentary election, Ni*e was elected to the National *embly through national list proportional representation as an AFP candidate. In 2002, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed Ni*e to be his envoy to the Democratic Republic of Congo in attempts to form a national unity government there.

Opposing an extension of the National *embly's term beyond its five-year mandate, Ni*e chose to resign his seat as a Deputy in June 2006, when the parliamentary term was originally scheduled to end.

In December 2006, Ni*e was chosen as the candidate of Alternative 2007, a coalition of ten opposition parties, for the February 2007 presidential election. He was briefly detained by police in late January 2007, along with other opposition leaders, after participating in a banned protest regarding the delay of the next parliamentary election until June 2007. During the presidential campaign, Ni*e blamed Wade for the Joola sea disaster; Wade in turn said that Ni*e was a liar and that he was fortunate that he had not been jailed for crime he allegedly committed while serving as Prime Minister.

According to final results, Ni*e placed fourth in the presidential election with 5.93% of the vote. He won one of the country's 34 departments, that of Nioro. Ni*e rejected the results, alleged fraud, and said that the election was "a farce", but also said that he did not intend to file an appeal regarding the results.

Soon after the election, Wade mentioned Ni*e as one of several opposition politicians who would be facing prosecution for corruption. Wade renewed an allegation, previously made in 2002, that Ni*e had sold diplomatic p*ports to Taiwanese businessmen and others from that country.

In the March 2009 local elections, the opposition coalition Benno Siggil Senegaal—which included Ni*e and the AFP—performed well in Nioro Department and across the country. Shortly afterward, Ni*e said that Wade should react to his party's poor performance by dissolving the National *embly and the Senate and resigning as President. According to Ni*e, Wade "betrayed the people of Senegal" and put the country "in a catastrophic situation". He also derided Wade for having what he described as a "paranoid fixation" on Nioro Department.

In the February–March 2012 presidential election, Ni*e stood again as a candidate and then backed Macky Sall against President Wade in the second round. Sall won the election. A few months later, Ni*e was elected to the National *embly in the July 2012 parliamentary election as a member of the coalition supporting President Sall. The presidential coalition won a large majority of seats. On 30 July 2012, he was elected as President of the National *embly; he defeated opposition candidate Oumar Sarr, a loyalist of Wade. Ni*e received 126 votes against 17 votes for Sarr; there were three blank votes.

On 11 October 2013, Ni*e was re-elected as President of the National *embly for another year.
