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Abdulmohsen Al-Bassam

Abdulmohsen Hamad Al-B*am is a retired officer in the Royal Saudi Air Force and a former astronaut. He was the back-up payload specialist for Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on STS-51-G.


Abdulmohsen Hamad Al-B*am was born on December 12, 1948, in Unayzah, Saudi Arabia. He graduated from King Faisal Air Academy in Riyadh (Bachelor of Science in Air Science) and was a Fighter pilot at the Royal Saudi Air Force. He later served as the Air Force Attache at the Emb*y of Saudi Arabia in London, United Kingdom. He is married and he has 2 sons and 3 daughters.


Selected in April 1985, he served as the back-up payload specialist for STS-51-G Discovery (June 17–24, 1985) on which Arabsat-1B was deployed. With the conclusion of this flight on June 24, 1985, he retired from active duty as a payload specialist. He later served as the Air Force Attache at the Emb*y of Saudi Arabia in London, United Kingdom.

External links

  • Spacefacts biography of Abdulmohsen Hamad Al-B*am

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