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Jacek Majchrowski

Jacek Maria Majchrowski (born 13 January 1947 in Sosnowiec) is a Polish politician, lawyer, historian, and the current mayor of Kraków since 2002, making him the longest serving mayor in the history of the city. He is also a professor at the Jagiellonian University.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Selected awards
  • 3 Works
  • 4 References


Majchrowski was born on 13 January 1947 in Sosnowiec. He became a member of the Democratic Left Alliance, a major left-wing Polish political party, but suspended his membership for the duration of his mayorship in Kraków. He has written 14 history books, specializing mostly in the history of Polish political thought and doctrines. On 7 December 2015, he became co-president of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions.

Selected awards

  • Silver Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis (Poland, 2005)
  • Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Hungary (Hungary, 2009)
  • Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Res*uta (Poland, 2011)
  • Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (Austria, 2012)
  • Order of Saint-Charles (Monaco, 2012)
  • Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honour (France, 2013)


  • Geneza politycznych ugrupowań katolickich: Stronnictwo Pracy, grupa "Dziś i Jutro" (1984)
  • Silni - zwarci - gotowi: Myśl polityczna Obozu Zjednoczenia Narodowego (1985)
  • Szkice z historii polskiej prawicy politycznej lat Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej (1986)
  • Ugrupowania monarchistyczne w latach Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej (Monarchist Groups in the Second Republic) (1988)
  • Ulubieniec Cezara: Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski: Zarys biografii (1990)
  • Polska myśl polityczna XIX i XX wieku. Cz. 1, U źródeł nacjonalizmu: Myśl wszechpolska (1990)
  • Polska myśl polityczna XIX i XX wieku. Cz. 3, Nacjonalizm: Myśl "potomstwa obozowego" (1993)
  • Pierwszy ułan drugiej Rzeczypospolitej: O generale Wieniawie-Długoszowskim (1993)
  • Polska myśl polityczna 1918-1939: Nacjonalizm (Polish Political Thought 1918-1939: Nationalism) (2000)
  • Pierwsza Kompania Kadrowa: Portret oddziału (2002, 2004)
