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Abdessalam Jalloud

Abdessalam Jalloud (Arabic: عبد السلام جلود) (born 15 December 1944) was Prime Minister of Libya from 16 July 1972 to 2 March 1977, during the government of Muammar Gaddafi. He was also Minister of Treasury from 1970 until 1972.


Jalloud was a cl*mate of Gaddafi. Major Abdessalam Jalloud entered the military academy of Benghazi where they formed the hard core of the "free officers" who staged a military coup in September 1969 launching the Libyan revolution. Jalloud became Gaddafi’s adviser and deputy chairman of the Libyan Revolutionary Command Council (RCC). He was entrusted with the supervision of the oil sector, which represented 96% of the country's income. In September 1970 Jalloud succeeded in imposing a rise in oil prices to all companies operating in Libya, opening the way for the other oil producers and for the subsequent rises of the 1970s. The same year, Jalloud also succeeded in negotiating for the evacuation of American and British military bases from Libya. During the negotiations for the evacuation of the American Air Force base at Wheelus, on the outskirts of Tripoli, the then 25-year-old Jalloud, dressed in military regalia, was advised by the American diplomatic envoy leading the U.S. delegation that he could not negotiate, "under the gun," nor, in the clamorous atmosphere of the hundreds of Libyan protesters who had been gathered outside the venue, loudly refusing to depart the scene prior to an evacuation date being set. Jalloud exited the room and removed his pistol, returning to state, "As for the demonstrators, you take your orders from the U.S. Government while I take mine from those voices outside." American troops were subsequently evacuated and Wheelus was handed over to the Libyans, on 11 June 1970.

In March 1970, six months after the Libyan revolution, Jalloud went to Beijing to build bilateral ties and evaluate areas of potential scientific cooperation between Libya and the People’s Republic of China. As part of the Libyan state's efforts to evaluate solutions to what was then a foreseeable water crisis in the North African country, Jalloud solicited Chinese *istance for a peaceful nuclear energy program, aimed mainly at expanding Libya's desalination industry.

Jalloud (from the Magarha tribe) was the second most powerful man in Libya for over two decades. He, Gaddafi and the other surviving members of the RCC sat atop the "revolutionary sector" which oversaw the government. The leaders of the revolutionary sector were not subject to election, since they owed their offices to their roles in the 1969 coup, officially described during Gaddafi's time as "the revolution."

After several disagreements with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (from the Qadhadhfa tribe), Jalloud resigned, departing the Libyan political scene, and was replaced by Captain Mohammad Emsied al-Majdoub al-Gaddafi as the general coordinator of the Revolutionary Committees. The London-based newspaper Al Hayat reported in April 1995 that the authorities had confiscated Jalloud's p*port and kept him under surveillance because of growing disagreement between him and Gaddafi. This disagreement was shown in public after the visit of a delegation of 192 Libyan pilgrims to Israel in May 1993.

Libyan Civil War and Lebanese arrest warrant

On 19 August 2011, during the Libyan Civil War, it was reported that Jalloud had defected to the rebel forces opposing Gaddafi and was on his way from Zintan to the Tunisian island of Djerba from where departed to Italy . In 2017 an Lebanese judge issued an arrest warrant for Jalloud about the disappearance of the Iranian Shiite Imam Musa Sadr, founder of the Lebanese Shiite Amal Movement, in Libya in 1978


    Transitional period
    • Jibril
    • Tarhouni
    • El-Keib
    • Zeidan
    • al-Thani (contested by Maiteeq
    • al-H*i
    • al-Ghawil)
    • al-Sarraj (contested by al-Thani
    • al-Ghawil)
    • Dbeibeh (contested by Bashagha)
    Italics indicate acting officeholder

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