Princess Angela of Liechtenstein

Princess of Liechtenstein

Princess Angela of Liechtenstein (née Angela Gisela Brown; 3 February 1958) is a Panamanian-American fashion designer and the wife of Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein. She was born in Bocas del Toro, Panama, and was the first woman of primarily African descent to marry into a reigning European dynasty. Her marriage to the prince had been authorised by his father, the reigning monarch of Liechtenstein. Together, they have a son, Prince Alfons (b. London, 18 May 2001), who is sixth in the line of succession to the Liechtensteiner throne.


  • 1 Early life and education
  • 2 Marriage
  • 3 See also
  • 4 References and notes
  • 5 External links

Early life and education

Princess Angela was born in Bocas del Toro, Panama, as Angela Gisela Brown, the daughter of businessman Javier Francisco Brown and Silvia Maritza Burke, a homemaker. The family moved to New York City when Angela was five years old.

After finishing high school in New York, Angela studied fashion at Parsons School of Design, where she graduated and received the Oscar de la Renta Gold Thimble Award for fashion design. She was a stylist for three years and created her own fashion label, named "A. Brown" before becoming Creative Director for the fashion brand Adrienne Vittadini, a position she held until September 1999.


In 1999, the Principality of Liechtenstein's Information Bureau announced the forthcoming nuptials of the second son of the reigning prince, Hans Adam II, Prince Maximilian, to Angela Gisela Brown. On 29 January 2000, at 11:00 am, she married Prince Maximilian at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in New York City, wearing a dress that she designed herself.

The marriage brought a person of Afro-Panamanian ancestry into one of the few still reigning families in Europe by a marriage which obtained the prior consent and full support of the groom's sovereign and father, who also attended the wedding. While some members of the dynasty were said to be shocked and to consider the interracial marriage "the end of an era", others were said to have expressed support.

Prince Maximilian and Princess Angela have a son, Prince Alfons Constantin Maria of Liechtenstein (b. London, 18 May 2001). Since her marriage, Princess Angela participates, sometimes with her son, in ceremonial events in the principality.

See also

  • Biography portal
  • Princely Family of Liechtenstein

References and notes

    External links

    • Official website of the Princely House of Liechtenstein