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Ersin Erçin

Turkish diplomat

Amb*ador Ersin Erçin is a senior Turkish diplomat, with an extensive experience in multilateral diplomacy particularly on matters of international, Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security, disarmament, and economic and environmental security.


  • 1 Early life and career
  • 2 Chronology
  • 3 See also
  • 4 References
  • 5 External links

Early life and career

Ersin Erçin has served in a range of positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara, and in diplomatic missions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. He has also earned multiple *ignments to represent Turkey at multilateral and security organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, and the United Nations in New York. Erçin has lectured at universities as well as civilian and military groups on the topics of early warning, crisis management, conflict prevention and resolution, and post-conflict rehabilitation.

After joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1981, Erçin served in the position of Third Secretary in the Department of Economic Relations and later as Second Secretary for the Turkish Permanent Delegation to the OECD in Paris. From 1989, he continued with consecutive and increasingly senior *ignments in Vienna at the CSCE and, later, the newly named OSCE, the largest regional security organization in the world. He served at OSCE as Turkey’s deputy permanent representative from 2001 to 2004.

In 2004, he was selected as Turkey’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York and later as Minister Counselor for the Ministry’s Department of North and South America. Earlier in his career, Erçin was posted to the Turkish Emb*y in Khartoum, Sudan, with the rank of Second Secretary, and in Damascus, Syria, as Counselor. In 2009, he was appointed Amb*ador to the Federative Republic of Brazil. Amb*ador Erçin is a graduate of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Ankara, with a specialization in international relations and organizations.


See also

  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • List of diplomatic missions of Turkey


  • Statement by Mr. Ersin Erçin, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the UN at the 14th Session of Commission on Sustainable Development, New York, 1 May 2006
  • Agreed Definition of Term "Terrorism" Said to Be Needed for Consensus on Completing Comprehensive Convention against It, New York, 10 October 2005
  • Statement by ERSİN ERÇİN Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations debate of the first committee general *embly, 60th session New York, 6 October 2005
  • 14th Session of High Level committee on South-South cooperation, New York, 31 May 2005
  • United Nations South-South cooperation for development, 15 June 2005
  • OSCE Conference On Globalization, Hofburg, Vienna, 3-4 July 2003 Archived 16 February 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  • Special high-level meeting with the Bretton Woods ins*utions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development New York, 18 April 2005
  • Second Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects New York, 11-15 July 2005
  • United Nations General *embly GA/PAL/973 of 29 November 2004
  • UNRWA - Fourth Cttee debate 2 November 2005
  • International Day of Solidarity 2004 - Special bulletin ,26 October 2005
  • Nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East - First Cttee debate 6 October 2005
  • United Nations General *embly A/AC.183/PV.283 of 29 November 2004
  • Third Review Conference of the parties to the convention of the prohibition of the general development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction, Geneva, 24 September 1991

External links

  • Amb*ador Ersin Erçin's Resume
  • Participated Conferences at OSCE
  • Participated Conferences at UN

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