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Béla Bugár

The native form of this personal name is Bugár Béla.:This article uses Western name order when mentioning individuals.

Béla Bugár (born 7 July 1958) is a Slovak politician of Hungarian ethnicity. He was a member of the Slovak parliament from 1992 to 2020, briefly serving as its acting Speaker in 2006. He was the former leader of the political party Most-Híd.

Life and career

He was the leader of Party of the Hungarian Coalition from 1998 until 2007, with Pál Csáky as his successor. Before the formation of the Party of the Hungarian Coalition in 1998, Bugár was the chairman of the Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement. Bugár has been an MP of the National Council of the Slovak Republic since 1992. He was its acting speaker from 7 February 2006 to 4 July 2006. Béla Bugár announced that he was going to retire from politics by 2010. However, on 30 June 2009 he founded a new political party, Most–Híd, whose goal is to stand for the Hungarians' interests in Slovakia while striving to work together with Slovaks.


    External links

    • Béla Bugár's English language profile at Presseurop