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Battlestar Galactica - Brothers of Man

ReleasedApr 01 1979


Brothers of Man is a fan edit of the original Battlestar Galactica’s “Terra” story arc. This edit attempts to make a single story out of the episodes Greetings from Earth, Baltar’s Escape, and Experiment in Terra. While separate episodes, these three in their original form held a linear style of story telling, which set off this edit concept. A ship of humans in suspended animation is found drifting in space. When brought aboard the Galactica, the Colonial leaders debate whether to awaken its occupants. Their ship is eventually escorted by Apollo, Starbuck, and Cassiopeia to the planet Paradeen which is embroiled in a bitter war with the Eastern Alliance. Next, Baltar escapes from the prison barge by hijacking a shuttle piloted by Boomer and Sheba. Taking advantage of lax security imposed by the new governing council, Baltar kidnaps the council members from a Galactica landing bay and demands to be released. Finally, The mysterious bright lights return again, transporting the bewildered Apollo to the planet Terra to avert war with the Eastern Alliance. Exposing a plan by the devious president, Apollo has Starbuck warn the Galactica, which uses its laser cannon to destroy all the ballistic missiles, avoiding apocalyptic planetary holocaust.